Monday, April 30, 2012

Getting ready for May 1st

Last Thursday, April 26th, we celebrated National Pretzel Day in our great country.  Here in the Philadelphia area and maybe the East Coast, we have stores called the Philly Soft Pretzel Factory.  There are a few of them within just 10 minutes of my house and the one in Collingswood is 6 blocks up from me on Haddon Ave.

On this glorious of days, all the Soft Pretzel factories were giving away a FREE PRETZEL to anyone who walked in their store, regardless if they bought anything else, as a celebration of one of my new favorite holidays.  Being the thrifty American that I am, I dropped my 3 kids off at the babysitter on Thursday morning and stopped in for my free pretzel. 

The young man behind the counter placed my warm soft pretzel in a nice little brown paper bag and then handed me a punch card.  He then explained to me that since I was one of the first 100 customers, on this glorious morning, that I was honored by receiving a punch card to be used every day in May for ONE FREE PRETZEL!  While my heart and knees (I could lose a few pounds) screamed "UH OH," my stomach did somersaults with excitement. 

Could I really get a free pretzel every day?

Was it possible to do this for 31 straight days?

Could I do the unthinkable and just get the free pretzel and not buy anything else?

Do I have the will power?

As I shared this great news with anyone that would listen, the idea that I would just buy more stuff when I was in there, and that this is "how they get ya, " came up repeatedly.  But I did not care, I wanted to see how far I could take this, so this is why I have started this blog to see how far I can take this. 

By this I mean, I don't want to just get a FREE PRETZEL every day and then eat it.  That would not be any fun.  So I have decided to see how many creative things I can do with my FREE PRETZEL.

           1) I am going to do everything in my power to get my FREE PRETZEL every day.  I should be home each day and if I am not then I will give the card to my wife and she will have to do the deed. 
           2) I will not waste any of the pretzels.  I will be giving them away, or just sharing them with friends, but I can't waste them with silly stunts.  They are too good.
           3) If I am out of ideas I want to get your ideas.  I cannot guaruntee I will use them, but it will be fun to see what everyone else thinks. 

My goal is to make this amazing month (also my birthday month) fun, entertaining and joyful. 
Who knows, maybe someone reading this out there will get one of the FREE PRETZELS!

I will definitely share pics and stories each day. 

Come back every day to see how its going.