Wednesday, June 1, 2016

May 30th- Closed. Wait what?

May 30th, 2016 Year 5 Day 30

The Pretzel Factory did not have any orders for Monday May 30th, Memorial Day so they decided not to open.  Unfortunate.  This had not happened since year one.

Katie made a Rapunzel cake
We celebrated Tabitha's birthday on this rainy day.

May 29th- Special Family Visitors

May 29th, 2016, Year 5 Day 29
I briefly explained yesterday that my brother and his family were in town for the weekend for my niece's soccer tournament.  Being that they live in Tampa, Florida, there are not many opportunities to give them a FREE PRETZEL.  We usually see them about once a year and in the 5 years of the blog, they are the last immediate family member to receive the pretzel.
Emily and her mom Cathy enjoying their snack as they watch

Anna had three games this weekend and I was able to make it to two of them.  It was great to see her play. Her team went 1-1-1 and she scored in the last game.  Of course it was the one I did not go to. The girls even went into NYC and hung out in Central Park for a little bit.
Post game snack for Anna and dad Anthony

The boys and I watched the games and then spent the afternoon with them just hanging out.  It was short, but nice to just hang.  It was nice to have the cousins see each other.  They even had a spirited soccer game in our back yard. 

Anthony and Cathy are not on Facebook where I typically post the blog for all to see.  I only have ONE follower of my blog, Elizabeth Eagen, and I would love more if you are all so inclined.  They are not avid readers of the blog, but knew about it a little bit.  When I came up to watch both games, Saturday and Sunday, I brought pretzels for everyone in attendance.  Everyone ate them!  That's what pretzels are for, right?  We kind of got to celebrate Cathy's belated birthday on May 22nd as well. 

Anthony and Cathy have always opened their house to me when I was in college for three out of my four spring breaks, after college while I was living in Pensacola for a few visits, and even beyond that a few times.  I even ventured down to Tampa to watch the Phillies play the Rays in the World Series in 2008.  We briefly reminisced about that trip this weekend, because during that trip we took part in a Boo at the Tampa Zoo for Anna's birthday.  They set up Haunted houses throughout the zoo.  I think she invited like eight 9 year-old girls.  Let's just say it was very loud. 

Anthony, Cathy and the girls are off to Italy in a few weeks and I wonder if they have anything as delicious as a soft pretzel in Italy.  Maybe they will find out for me and report back?  Bon Voyage as they say.  I hope you have a nice a time as you did in wonderful New Brunswick.

Until tomorrow...