Monday, June 26, 2017

May 29: Memorial Day

May 29, 2017 Year 6 Day 29

Our Memorial was pretty tame.  We chilled and relaxed, cleaned and just enjoyed not having to do anything.  The boys and Tabitha played and one of their friends, Craig, came over and they all rode their scooters and played the day away.  The kids all enjoyed their FREE PRETZELS.  Days like this are pretty great.

The boys and Craig having a snack.

Until tomorrow...

May 28: Hardwork pays off

May 28, 2017 Year 6 Day 28
Before we get to our celebrated recipient, I wanted to make sure I showed off some pictures from yesterday's Mayfair in Collingswood.  After a morning round of golf, Katie, the kids and I partook in some of the festivities on Haddon Ave.

The boys tried funnel cake, potato fries and Puerto Rican soda

Tibby and Declan wanted to check out the car display

Road Runner

Of course we got a picture with Phil E.
Fun was had by all and Tabitha and Declan were treated to a surprise when Daddy sprung for some old time soda...root beer.  Lucky ducks.

The real recipient today just needed the recognition that she deserves.  Before we purchased our house, it was given a complete makeover.  Lucky us.  The second floor rooms all had carpeting and although comfortable under my feet, Katie still likes the idea of hardwood floors in all the rooms.  Being a Do it yourself Youtube expert, she wanted to see if she could install hardwood floors by herself.  My job...keep the kids out of her hair.  I'm pretty good at that job.

Katie's "Bob Villa" set up on the front porch.
She did a phenomenal job on our master bedroom, so today she tackled the guest room.  I did help a little with some of the furniture and again later on bringing the floor upstairs, but she handled everything else as I kept the kids out of her hair and got her a FREE PRETZEL.  She really is amazing and driven.  She puts her mind to something and gets it done in awesome fashion.  The kids and I are lucky to have her.

The finished product.
Thanks Katie.  Thanks for being awesome every day.
Inside, outside, upside down.
Until tomorrow...

Thursday, June 22, 2017

May 27th: Is there a doctor in the house?

May 27, 2017 Year 6 Day 27

Today was another recipient submission.  Rina Cardenas was a FREE PRETZEL recipient back on May 20th of the first year in 2012.  Rina works as a speech therapist at Cranberry Pines and had special someone that she wanted to get a FREE PRETZEL as well.

 A perfect couple for a perfect FREE PRETZEL
Rina's husband Luis seemed to me like a perfect choice.  Even before he served me 4 different types of wings in his new air fryer, of course he should get as FREE PRETZEL.  Here is what Rina wrote about him:

May 26th: Another nonagenarian? 95 years in the making

May 26th, 2017 Year 6 Day 26

Today was another planned day that had its hiccups.  Today was one of those days that took some careful planning, but was for a special person that I could not wait to get to.  My Aunt Joey Seville is my great aunt. She was my Mom-Mom's younger sister.  She is what I think of when I think of summer and 4th of July. That's because 4th of July in the Casale house means the annual Wenonah 4th of July parade in Wenonah, NJ and it's where I have had so many childhood and adult memories of celebrating our nation's birthday.

Pretzel Selfie with Aunt Joey
My Aunt Joey could always be seen in her chair watching as the parade goes by, making sure that everyone had what they needed.  Did they have enough food?
"Eat, eat. We have plenty of food," she would say.
She would be in the kitchen cooking or cutting up rolls, or even in the backyard cooking at the grill.  She was still doing this within the last 5 years, definitely even after the age of 90, not to mention all the previous years before.

This house has been in the Morris/Seville family for over 75 years
The house, sitting right on Mantua Boulevard, directly on the parade route, has been in our family for very long time.  My mom grew up in this house and then in 1959 it was passed on to my Aunt Joey and Uncle George. I have only ever known it as their house, but it is cool to hear the stories my mom tells about her and her sisters living there. This was the house where I threw water balloons at my cousin on the 4th of July and where Aunt Joey would turn on the sprinkler in the backyard for us to run through.  Then we would have to decide when we were going up to the races at the park, or when we would ride the fire truck.  On the side of the house is where we would beg our parents to let us stay and go down to Wenonah lake and hang out for the afternoon.  There are so many memories, that I would be here forever trying to recount them all.

The side of this house will always remind me of the water balloon fights that we had.
On this crazy Friday or Memorial Day, my mom had contacted Aunt Joey to make sure they would be there. Joey figured it would just be a quick visit and had no idea I would be coming.  Her daughter Libby, who has been following the blog, was there and knew I would be coming as well.  After explaining to Joey why I was there, she said she loved pretzels, but that she had a little bit of indigestion and that she would have to eat it later.  It was awesome spending about an hour with her just chatting.  4th of July is usually a pretty hectic time and I can count on both hands the number of times that I have been to her house when it hasn't been July 4th, so it was nice to just relax and enjoy the time.

Getting there was another story.  I was coming straight from work and my google maps showed me that 295 was jam packed so I thought that I could beat it by trying the back roads.  I was wrong, always trust computers.  I tried circumventing 295 and I inch-wormed my way through Lawnside, Barrington and Bellmawr before finally getting to 42 and then 55.  All this time my Aunt Joey was apparently worried sick about my mom and dad braving the horrible traffic to come visit.  She apparently had been following along on the news and saw all of the backups and congestion that was prohibiting us from getting to our destination smoothly.  She shared this info with us when we got there.  She was genuinely worried for us and our safety.  Luckily we made it in one piece.  

For those of you that do not know about the Wenonah Parade on July 4th, it is a pretty intense parade, going down Mantua Boulevard and then coming back up.  When I was a kid, my brother and I rode our bikes two straight years.  It was pretty cool and that tradition still occurs today.  The parade features many of the same marching bands and floats over the years.  Although it seems like we push repeat on the day every year, its great to see the same things happen over and over again.  I'm a sucker for tradition. Maybe it's why I can't stop doing this blog.

This 4th of July may be a little different since both my sisters will be having babies right around this time and we are still unsure as to who will be able to make it.  The kids and I will be there, even if just for a little while, because hey, its tradition.  Thanks Aunt Joey for keeping this tradition alive and for always making me think of Wenonah, your house, you and our family on 4th of July.  I'll see you then

Until tomorrow...