Monday, June 26, 2017

May 28: Hardwork pays off

May 28, 2017 Year 6 Day 28
Before we get to our celebrated recipient, I wanted to make sure I showed off some pictures from yesterday's Mayfair in Collingswood.  After a morning round of golf, Katie, the kids and I partook in some of the festivities on Haddon Ave.

The boys tried funnel cake, potato fries and Puerto Rican soda

Tibby and Declan wanted to check out the car display

Road Runner

Of course we got a picture with Phil E.
Fun was had by all and Tabitha and Declan were treated to a surprise when Daddy sprung for some old time soda...root beer.  Lucky ducks.

The real recipient today just needed the recognition that she deserves.  Before we purchased our house, it was given a complete makeover.  Lucky us.  The second floor rooms all had carpeting and although comfortable under my feet, Katie still likes the idea of hardwood floors in all the rooms.  Being a Do it yourself Youtube expert, she wanted to see if she could install hardwood floors by herself.  My job...keep the kids out of her hair.  I'm pretty good at that job.

Katie's "Bob Villa" set up on the front porch.
She did a phenomenal job on our master bedroom, so today she tackled the guest room.  I did help a little with some of the furniture and again later on bringing the floor upstairs, but she handled everything else as I kept the kids out of her hair and got her a FREE PRETZEL.  She really is amazing and driven.  She puts her mind to something and gets it done in awesome fashion.  The kids and I are lucky to have her.

The finished product.
Thanks Katie.  Thanks for being awesome every day.
Inside, outside, upside down.
Until tomorrow...

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