Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 1st- That's all He wrote!

June 1st Day 32: I know this was only supposed to be all of May and it was only supposed to be 31 days, but technicalities get in the way sometimes and you have to deal.  I think Tabitha was more than happy with it.

Tabitha couldn't wait to get the FREE PRETZEL out of the bag

She was not too happy when I took it back thinking it would be for snack instead

I gave in and she got a least a piece.
 She did share with her brothers and the kids at the sitters
I think I have summed up this journey a few times in previous posts, so I will do my best to just take you through the day of picures and a few reflecions.

As I walked into the Pretzel Factory today, it was evident that John was not having the best of days.  He said it was just one of those days.  I handed him my punch card and he jokingly said, "It's not the 28th!" He then turned to Anthony and said "We havent seen many cards like that."  Anthony replied, "That's the only one that was completely punched, that I have seen."
I did it!

A little crazy to think that the card originally looked like this
A sense of pride swelled inside me, as well as sadness and a little relief that this month long journey was now over.  Then again, I remembered that I needed to order a pretzel tray for Tabitha's birthday brunch tomorrow.  So I guess I will see them on Saturday anyway.

It will be sad to not do this anymore and not have people come up and say they were reading or post comments or on facebook letting me know they were reading.  I am also sorry that I did not have a years worth of free pretzels to give out.  That would have been a lot of fun, but it may have killed me too.

We took Tabitha to the Pop Shop tonight for her birthday dinner.  The kid eats anything, but the coolest thing was having the whole restaurant sing to her.  Our waiter was great and very patient.
She was pretty stunned, but loved it.
Tabitha gettng ready to blow out het candle.  Declan did it for her. 
We will see how she does tomorrow.
I know this last blog seems to be all over the place, but as always I never know how to end something the right way.  I heard on the radio that June 1st is also Heidi Klum, Alanis Morissette, Morgan Freeman and Andy Griffith's birthdays.  It also happens to be one of my oldest and dearest friends birthdays.  A big shout out goes to Mike Gamble on his birthday today as well.  Hope you had a great one Mike!

I also wanted to acknowledge another person who has been huge supporter of the blog, my sister-in-law Elizabeth and her husband Lado. Elizabeth follows me on google as an official follower (I dont know how she did that), comments here and on facebook and even from the Republic of Georgia, continues to keep up.  When you return, you will most definitely get a pretzel from me!  Thanks Elizabeth!
I guess I will end like this.  My gas tank door has been broken for more than a year.  My car passed inspection last year, so I figured I did not need to get it fixed.  This has bothered some people (Rich Beckman), but it doesnt bother me. What I have found out from this, is that people are truly amazing.  I have had people point it out to me at stop signs, red lights, even driving on the highway.  It just goes to show that if you choose to speak up, it might just be the nice thing to do. I still probably wont get it fixed though.  I think 30 or more people have said something to me in this month alone.

To all of those out there that have read the blog, I thank you for your support, from the middle of my heart.  I figure that is where the best emotions come from.  According to the counter here at google, I had over 2300 views.  I don't exactly know what that means, but I guess a lot of people have read it or made return trips to read it. 

I want to thank Katie for giving me this idea.  It truly has been a wild ride.  I am sure that she will be happy to not hear my fingers slap on the keyboard at the wee hours of the morning anymore.  You are my rock, my inspiration and my glue.  I love you inside, oustide and upside down.

I would like to thank everyone who took part, including my parents who went above and beyond to get a FREE PRETZEL to my brother in Ohio.  I hope you are having fun in South Bend!

Katie and I have been kicking some ideas around for new topics and since we will be back and forth from Ocean City, NJ in June, we may just try and incorporate some of our favorite beach places.
So keep your eyes open and check back when you can and you might just find a fun story. 
Thanks again

Until the next time.....

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