Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31st: Almost the end...but not quite


May 31st Day 31- Just so you remember, today should have been the last day of my MAY quest, but because the store was closed on Monday, they will be honoring my punchcard for one more day. 
 Tomorrow, June 1st, will be the last FREE PRETZEL. 

However, today was another fun day.  Sarah (Hammell) Andersen and I started at Stockton together 10 years ago.  We were reunited at Sharp this year and she has been one of the biggest supporters of this blog.  She comments and shares ideas and has been a lot of fun as she has followed along, sometimes late at night as the blog is hot of the press.  Here and her grade level teammates, Kathy Gilmour and Kathie Redmond are the recipients of the FREE PRETZEL today.  Kathie Redmond and I were also reunited this year, after she spent her first 4 years at Stockton with me as well.  Kathy Gilmour fits right in with these amazing ladies, filling out their fantastic Charlie's Angels like threesome.  All of them have been so wonderful since I have arrived at Sharp and have made it such an easy transition.  I sound like a broken record about all the people at Sharp, but it is truly nice place to work, mostly becuse of the wonderful people.  First graders are tough and to deal with what they deal with every single day, they might deserve a delicious pretzel all the time!

The Sharp Angels: First grade specialists
Kathy G, Sarah A, Kathie R.

All three were extremely please to be the recipient of the FREE PRETZEL today.  Sarah did a happy dance.  Kathy G, ate some of hers before the picture and Kathie R needed this pretzel as a pick me up.  All three are extremely deserving and I was more than happy to make sure they each had their own.  Sarah even talked with her class about what I was doing.  Do you think 1st graders get what a blog is?  Kathie R had her Educational Assistant explain what a blog is to her class.  Awesome! 
Thanks ladies for making this so easy.

This journey is winding down and although it is sad, maybe I will get a little more sleep and not be up so late doing this.  I am a little sad and do not know what I will do with myself every morning or afternoon.  I wonder if my car will just automatically steer itself to the Pretzel Factory? 

To all of those that did not receive a FREE PRETZEL, I am sorry. I know many of you have been commenting, emailing, chatting on facebook and have taken an interest in my little adventure and for that I truly thank you.  I hope it made you smile, laugh, maybe even cry, but I hope that you enjoyed it as goofy fun.  For those that are far away and get a craving for Philly Pretzels, you can go on their website and have them shipped to you.  Dave, from the main office, told me they are shipped in dry ice and have instructions on how to prepare them.  He also told me they tested them out to get it perfect that they would taste the same as if you bought them at the Pretzel Factory yourself. 
If I just now made you drool, here is the website:

Even though it is officially June, tomorrow is another big day in the Casale house.  Our daughter Tabitha turns 1!  This time last year, soft pretzels were the furthest thing from my mind, but Tabitha thoroughly enjoys them. (Spoiler alert) If your not Tabitha, you might not be getting the pretzel tomorrow.  I do always have a surprise up my sleeve though...especially for the last day. 
I need my rest for the big day tomorrow.

Until tomorrow.....

1 comment:

  1. Aw! Happy Birthday, Tabitha! Thanks again for the pretzel. It was so fun and exciting to get one!!! Better start brainstorming about what to write on June 2nd. Don't know what I'll do without my nightly read... ;)
