Friday, May 25, 2012

May 24th- MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!


May 24th Day 24- Today was my birthday.  It is a special day.  As I quoted a few days ago, your birthday should always be a special occasion.  It is the one day every year that is always about you.  You never know if you will get other days, but this day is yours.

I get the privilege of spending my birthday with my class every once in a while and this one was awesome.  I arrived a little bit later to school today, but a few of the students surprised me with decorations and a giant chocolate cake. I forgot my camera so I was unable to take pictures.  Sorry.  I did however take a picture of giant cards that they made me.
I have a great class. They made me cards during Art
I sprung for 25 pretzels for my class and my 5th grade teachers
Although this day was for me, I like to also share in my great day.  I want everyone to have fun on my birthday...especially my class.  We had a nice day, enjoying fresh, warm, pretzels in the morning and then sweet chocolate cake in the afternoon.  It wasn't a party, just a relaxing time.

When I got home it was more of the same.  I relaxed with my parents, marinated and grilled a pork tenderloin and had a nice dinner on the back porch.  I enjoyed ice cream cake, my favorite, with my parents, sister and Katie, and it was really nice. 

My Jesus year (the year that you are 33, the year Jesus died) has ended and some Catholics believe you have to compare yourself to what Jesus did before he died.  It is a running one liner in our house.  Katie birthed 3 babies before her Jesus year was up.  What would I do?  The pretzel blog is pretty good.  Is this the modern day loaves of bread and fishes? HA!

The FREE PRETZEL however, goes to my parents today, not me.  My parents, Tony and Barb have been with me every step of the way.  Having six kids and just being there for all of us, deserves a pretzel within itself, but my parents are the ones who started this.  My fondest memories of pretzels come from Phillies games and buying the pretzels five for a $1 oustide Veterans Stadium after the games.  I almost don't remember a time that we didn't get them.  We would also get them at parades and public events, but it was the Phillies games that always stuck with me. 

My parents have supported me in everything I have done and this blog is no different.  My mom has emailed me with words of encouragement and suggestions and both have followed along with each passing day.  I do not know where I would be without them.  They have just been there for everything.  Sports games, concerts, the musical in high school.  Even just this past year they have been to one of my soccer games that I played over in Philly and they have come to see me coach volleyball at Paul VI and before that basketball at Moorestown Friends.  My dad was even my assistant for the golf team for 5 years.  Without him, I would not even have been able to coach. 

They are just amazing people and now continue to be awesome grandparents.  Thanks so much for always being there, no matter what.  Enjoy your 50 year reunion dad! (they are headed to South Bend next week)

I love you guys very much. Thanks
My mom and dad doing their best Lady and the Tramp

As all great things come to an end, so does this 34th birthday.  It was not without some cool stuff though.  Take a look at the small sampling of my presents....
An assortment of the presents I got this year.  Not bad

Thank you to everyone that gave me a gift, even though you did not have to.  Your gesture was extremely nice.  I love all of them. 

My shout-outs go to those that also share a birthday with me today...Fred Wittenberg, Nick Brooks and Mrs. Skoviak (my third grade math teacher). I know there might be others, but those are the ones I will always remember.  I also want to thank Mrs. Redmond's 1st grade class at Sharp Elementary for making me feel like a king.  (sorry I dont have a picture, but they gave me a crown to wear for the day) 

I would like to thank my 5th grade class and also Katie for making this another great birthday!

Even though my official birthday is over, I do however like to extend it to the weekend, so the partying will continue.

Until tomorrow.....

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