Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12th- A farmers market treat!


Day 12 May 12th-  Today was an absolutely gorgeous day.  We made our way up to Haddon Ave around 8:30 this morning and for the first time the whole family was there as I received my FREE PRETZEL.  I am now on the second line of the punch card, which is kind of exciting right?  When we go there the boys instantly started to ask for pretzels, but we calmed them down by letting them know they would be getting doughnuts from the market.  The Pretzel Factory was hopping this morning. I expected it to be, on a Saturday.  They had 4 young people working instead of the regular 3, and all were very hard at work.  Behind the counter, Shannon held up her end of the bargain and was ready for her picture. 

Shannon was a good sport.  I am sure I will see her again.
Thanks for the FREE PRETZEL!

The family and I made our way to the market and after we had seen the sights, listened to some music and even eaten some doughnuts, we were joined by our good friends the Lyalls and on his bike Bob Lutz!  I have known Nate since we were 3 or 4 years old, when we went to pre-school together.  His wife Dana is the person who suggested the taste test throwdown with Pretzel Mart.  It will happen soon Dana! They brought their two kids Kayla (4) and 5 month old Brandon.  I decided since we often meet them here at the market that it was the Lyalls turn to share in my good fortune.  Kayla was more than happy to enjoy the salted goodness.  Nate is a diehard Phils fan who has partial season tickets and often invites me to many games including the playoffs.  This is by no means a repayment, but to show how dedicated of a fan he is.  There might be no one I know who takes Phils woes harder than Nate.  He hates mediocrity.  This day was for the Lyalls.  Thanks for following the blog!

Kayla was thrilled to get her FREE PRETZEL and could not wait to dig in.

Nate was not going to let Kayla have all the fun. 
She even wore her princess crown.

Declan playing a game where he runs full speed at daddy.
Good thing I was always ready.

Just so the port-o-john story was not to be outdone, Declan needed to use the bathroom again today at the market.  Using his cuteness, Declan was able to persuade the nice lady at the info booth to let us use the bathroom at the Perkins Art Center.  I was so happy to see that the tiny bathroom could fit me and the boys.  Patrick had to come once he knew Declan was going.  I cannot describe to you how small this bathroom was.  Let's just say the port-o-john was bigger.  The Art Center was having some sort of beer tasting fundraiser tonight and there was one man outside the restroom, preparing the room for the evening.  How he was not bellied over laughing was beyond me. 

Here is the conversation:

Daddy: Okay Declan, nice job buddy.  Patrick do you need to go?
Declan: Yay, I went potty.  (grabs toilet paper and tosses it in toilet.  Doesn't wipe penis)
Daddy: (as he throws it in) Dude you need to wipe your penis!
Declan: (reaches into to toilet to grab paper that he just threw in there) I have to wipe my penis!
Daddy: NOOOO! Don't grab that! You already pulled your pants up! You're done. Patrick do you have to go?
Patrick: Yes. Can you pull my pants down?
Daddy: Yes buddy (Patrick goes potty) Nice job buddy.
Patrick: I need to wash my hands.
Daddy: Daddy needs to go too.
Patrick: Yay! You're peeing daddy!
Daddy: Thanks buddy.
Declan: I want a doughnut! (had been declining doughnuts all morning until now)
(we somehow all shuffle around and wash hands) (water is everywhere) We exit. Guy invites me to fundraiser for this evening.  I think about it for two seconds, look at boys and decline.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.  A fun day at the zoo is planned for early morning and a picnic for dinner and then who knows what else the day will bring.  It's never dull in our family and this FREE PRETZEL is just another thing. 

I just noticed that we already reached 1000 views.  Again, I have no idea how that is calculated, but if it is just people looking at the blog, then that is pretty cool. 
Can we get to 5000 before the month is out?  That would be awesome.  Start sharing this on your facebook and twitter and pass it on to friends and relatives.  I will try and keep it short, sweet and humorous.  Hopefully it will brighten your day and maybe even others. 

Until tomorrow....

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