Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 19th- For a Good Cause

May 19th Day 19- Today was a special day.  The whole family took part in the Angelman Syndrome Foundation 5k walk with our friends, Kevin and Kate Grugan and their children Hope and Jack.  We were also joined by many Grugan and Davies family members as well as Nick and Melissa Lehmann and their kids Jake and Nate.  It was maybe the best weather day of the year and all for a great cause.  This walk was the largest Angelman Walk in the country.  It was pretty cool to be a part of the that for the second straight year.  It was also cool to be a part of the largest team in the walk...Team Hope.
Thanks for having us on your team again!

The entire Grugan family were the recipients of the FREE PRETZEL and I am pretty sure they all had their fair share. 
Jack was very eager to chow down on the pretzel.

Hope needed to get in on this sweet action

The whole Grugan Fam!

I am sorry for getting this blog out late.  I was out on Satuday and Sunday this weekend.  Be sure to check out Day 20 as we have a guest blogger!

Until tomorrow....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We loved having you guys on Team Hope and were very excited to make the cut for the pretzel of the day. I think Jack ate most of it (or at least licked off most of the salt) and I made up the rest. Katie's guest post was great as well and very fitting for this Grugan family who wouldn't exist without two friendships with one Time Casale. XOXOXO
