Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 30th- Close to the bitter end


May 30th Day 30- As I walked into the Pretzel Factory this morning, I again had no idea what I was going to do with the FREE PRETZEL.  I had a couple of ideas, but hoped that something would work itself out.  As I handed my punch card over to John behind the counter, he very quietly asked, "Do you want to double up today?" I politely said no and that I was going to wait to fill in my card on Friday.

When I arrived at school, I left the FREE PRETZEL in the car, thinking I might see someone who needs or deserves it today.  Tara Orsini and I started teaching in Cherry Hill at about the same time.  She started a year before me, but we both had to go through a week long teacher orientation in the summer of 2002.  I have known who she is, just because you see people in the district and you get to know faces.  Since this is my first year at Sharp, this is also my first year working in the same building as Tara.  Tara moved to second grade this year, from fourth and I think she is enjoying the adjustment.  Tara also has the thankless job of being our union rep in the building as well as a 14, 3 and 2 year-old boys at home.  Busy, busy. 

When I saw her today, she just looked like she needed a pick me up.  So in the afternoon I ventured out to the car, grabbed the pretzel and presented it to her as she was taking her class to the All Purpose Room to practice for their Character Assembly on Friday.  She chose spicey mustard as her topping of choice and was very pleased to receive the pretzel, saying "This is very kind and I needed this today.  Thanks"  You are more than welcome Tara.  I am glad it brightened your day for at least a second.

Tara looking thrilled to get her FREE PRETZEL

As I need to lay my head down to sleep tonight, I have mapped out the last two days and have a plan.  Whether I stick to it or not will be the issue.  I never know where the FREE PRETZEL might be needed most, but it is always good to have a plan.


The Devils lost in OT tonight and are down 1-0 in the Stanley Cup Finals.  They will need a big game on Friday if they have any chance at getting back in this series. 

But the Phils won and took a series from the Mets.  They are now 2 games above .500 and it's not yet June.  You never know.

A shout-out goes to all the seniors at Paul VI who will be graduating tomorrow, especially my golfers, Nick Villari, Mike Basileo, Bobby Berscak and Nick Labroli. Congrats and good luck!

It looks like the weather will start getting cooler and that is a relief.  June is right around the corner and that means Ocean City, NJ.  I cannot wait to see the boys and Tabitha run around the beach this year.  Man, I'm tired just thinking about that. I better get my rest now.

Until tomorrow....

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