Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6th: Dreaming of Pretzels


Day 6 May 6th- It is now safe to say that the FREE PRETZEL has consumed me.  I knew that I would probably get the pretzel in the afternoon today because I didn't actually know what I would do with it, but I also knew that the Pretzel Factory closes early on Sundays.  I checked the time just so I did not screw something up.  The website said it closed at 3pm.  I laid my head down to take a nap and as I slept peacefully (I was out late last night) I had a "napmare" that I had overslept and missed my chance at a FREE PRETZEL and would ruin this whole blog idea!  I jolted awake to find the time was only 1:50.  I could not take any chances and quickly put on shoes and headed out the door. 

Just so all of you know, when I conceived of this idea, it was only an idea until my fabulous wife thought it would be a really good idea.  She told me it would be neat and that I should go for it.  I needed that encouragement and now all of your continued encouragement has kept it going. 

I coach golf every Monday-Thursday, sometimes until 7 pm, Katie is always there with the kids, doing the "dirty work" at the "witching hour."  Our kids are great, but the end of the day is always hard and she is simply amazing for being able to do this.  She is a great mom and an even better wife.  She should probably get the FREE PRETZEL every day, but that would be about the same as me eating it every day.  She knows this because I tell her how great she is, but today was a day that she deserved the FREE PRETZEL.

Katie used the pretzel as a mask.  Declan said she was wearing sunglasses.

The pretzel took a few moments to play around with Katie's new I-phone

Katie shared her pretzel with the boys and Patrick took it for a ride in his car.

The boys enjoying each bite before we left for the park. 

Like I stated earlier, all I do anymore is think about pretzels.  I am coming up on a week and this is still a lot of fun.  My thoughts are constantly filled with ideas of how to share in this joy or pretzels.  It is fun to keep my brain active and hopefully keep making people happy. 
This week should be fun.

Sports updates:

My body is recovering from Friday nights Volleyball win a little slower than I would like. 
Every muscle hurts. 
-The Devils are up 3 games to 1 on the Flyers, which should make for an interesting week around here.  I still live in fear of the comeback, so we will wait and see. 
-The Sixers are up 3-1 on the Bulls!  Who saw that coming? 
-Phils get a much needed win over the Gnats tonight behind Cole Hamels.  Maybe some life?

I keep getting suggestions and I am open to all possibilities for the FREE PRETZEL.  Nothing is impossible...yet.  We will see what tomorrow brings.  I think my boys have an idea what I am doing now and they love seeing the pretzel bag each day.  When they finally get their due it will be fun. 

So far only one person responded to my question of favorite beverage to have with a pretzel. 
Delran alum Erin Donnelly also suggested that Pennsuaken Mart pretzels are the best and that they should be washed down with a Riverside/Delanco/Delran drink called Boost.  It is kind of like Coke without carbonation.  I may have to get some when we do this taste test.  I will hopefully be doing it this week.  It's late and I am tired.  This pretzel gig will cure my case of the Mondays.

Until tomorrow......

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