Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21st- Tim back in control


May 21 Day 21- Today was a weird day.  I had a whole bunch of ideas that I wanted to go through with, but none of them were able to pan out.  Whoops.  Sometimes that happens.  I want to thank everyone for the response to Katie's turn as blogger yesterday.  She really is awesome and might even be better than me at this....wait a second!  Just kidding.  She had fun and I am glad it worked out yesterday.

Funny thing that happened this morning: I walked into the Pretzel Factory morning and Anthony was hard at work making the pretzels.  The older gentleman who has been serving me during weekdays saw my card (with all the days punched) and said, "I haven't seen one like this yet." Anthony then chimed in and said he saw one close, but the guy had one day unpunched.  This guy thought they were closed on Sunday. HA!  I guess I am still winning!  What?...I have no idea.

Like I said, I had many ideas today, but none of them happened, so I decided to enjoy the FREE PRETZEL myself and make a little homemade creation.  Here is the progression

Plain pretzel, a little stale since it was evening.

Pretzel covered in fresh cheddar cheese

Pretzel covered in melted cheddar cheese after 1 minute in microwave

I have to say that I enjoyed the snack, but would have liked it if it was a stronger cheddar. 

The Devils just won game 4 of their series with the Rangers.  Tied 2-2 now and headed back to MSG.  Great series so far. 

Phils and Sixers lost.  Cmon Philly!

I wanted to give a shout out to my friend Desiree' Caldwell, who celebrated her birthday today.  She was supposed to go on a hot air balloon ride and the weather did that in.  Sorry Des.  Hope the shout out helps!

I wanted to send out a quote from the young adult novel that my class is currently reading.  It is called Masterpiece and it discusses birthdays, which I think its pretty cool.

"A person's birthday should be a special day, a wonderful day, a day of pure celebration for the luck of being born!"

I like this quote and will remember it for a while.  That is why I like to celebrate my birthday for a week or so.  It should be an event, right?  Think about it the next time you have a birthday.  Make it special

I'm tired again and I am back to not knowing what to do with the FREE PRETZEL again.  I guess...

Until tomorrow....

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