Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15th- Another birthday!


May 15th Day 15- I've already told you I am partial to May birthdays, so this one came easy.  Caitlyn McHugh is a fellow Delran native and besides being a good friend to the Casale family, is also our defacto babysitter along with my sisters and parents.  Today was her birthday and I had to wait all day to give her the FREE PRETZEL.  Not only was this her birthday, but it was her 21st BIRTHDAY!!  Congrats to her.  I know she was going to partake in some fun this evening, but unfortunately we will not have any pictures of those scenes before we go to print tonight. 
Maybe next time.  We did get these few though....

Declan was so excited to wish Caitlyn a Happy birthday!
Nice job on the sign buddy.

Patrick presented Caitlyn with her FREE PRETZEL and she could not let him go wthout a hug.  He loved it.
Being the kind soul that she is, Caitlyn even shared her FREE PRETZEL with her friends.
That in itself is a reason to give someone a pretzel.
Caitlyn is awesome and as she and my sisters have done so many times before, don't just babysit our kids, but truly love spending time with them.  I would be hard-pressed to find someone who is more genuine then Caitlyn.  She embodies what it means to get a FREE PRETZEL. 
Now that she is home from UNC for the summer, we hope that she will find time for the kids, so Katie and I can get away for a few.  Just kidding.  We know she would be there for us, but we don't want to wear her out.  Thanks for being a good sport today and thanks for being a loyal supporter of The Daily Twist.  It didnt't hurt that Caitlyn tells me she is an avid reader of the blog and that she gets excited to read the next issue.  Hey, a little sucking up never hurt anyone, right? 
We hope you had a great 21st birthday!

While we waited for Caitlyn to get to our house here is what our kids did....

The boys playing in a mud puddle.
While Tabitha screams with excitement.

While getting the FREE PRETZEL today, along with 5 others that I purchased for the family, I had a nice conversation with Philly soft Pretzel Factory workers Samantha (from yesterday) and Anthony (from Day 3). I asked them if the owner knew what I was doing and they said yes. Then I asked them what they thought was the biggest selling item, other than just the regular pretzels? To no surprise, especially if you asked Katie, they said it would probably be the pretzel dog. It was nice to chat with them. I am hoping I have not annoyed them yet, but they seem pretty down to earth and easy going and said they have been reading. Thanks guys

Pretzel dogs are pretty good and after I check with The Mart, I would be interested to see if they make something like that. I have decided that the much anticipated taste test will take place on either Thursday or Friday.

I did have one funny encounter the other day. I guy came in to the Pretzel Factopry while I was there with a punch card, but it was May 10th and he only had like 3 punches. I showed him mine and said, "This is how you are supposed to do it." I am an idiot, I know, but I couldn't resist showing off.

Lastly, I need to give a shout out to Josh Simonetti, my assistant golf coach at PVI. We cancelled our golf match today, but I inadvertantly forgot to let him know. Whoops. He drove down to Riverwinds where we play and was getting ready to get the match started when I texted him that the match was cancelled. Sorry dude. That won't happen again.

Until tomorrow....

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