Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2nd (Day 2)

May 2- Rain, rain go away, was what I was thinking in my head, but since we have not had much rain in April, this was welcome rain.  Raindrops splattered my head as I raced into the Pretzel Factory today.  I had a bandana headed server today, who also declined my hopes for a picture. 
I guess it is too early for them?  They have probably been up since 4 or 5 am making pretzels so I guess I can't blame them.  He was more than accommodating and today I indulged and purchased 3 extra and a small container of spicy mustard. 

I purchased the three extra so that I could share in the fun with Steve and Kristi, our 5th grade team at Sharp school. 

The true recipient of the FREE PRETZEL today was Jackie Sleeth

Jackie receiving her pretzel and dipping it in spicy mustard

Jackie was so genuine about how cool it was that I was starting a blog to showcase my pretzel idea that I had to include her.  She was absolutely thrilled to get a pretzel today.  She even sent me a text at the end of the day that read:

"Thanks for the awesome pretzel today! Best part of my day."

And that my friends is why I am doing this.  Making people happy.  What a novel concept

Jackie and I have gone way back..since our days at Stockton, but this is the first year working on a grade level team.  It has been really nice. 

Here are some more shots from Day 2:

Pretzel Number 2, with side of spicy mustard

They need a flag to represent!

I'm excited about the prospects of Day 3, because I have no idea what I am going to do.  I do know that I actually have been getting some interesting ideas from Facebook friends, work colleagues and others and you may soon be finding me traveling the globe or just chilling with my pretzels. 

Keep the ideas coming either commenting here or on Facebook.  I know people have been reading because I see it, but any comments would be fun to see.  Thanks for the encouragement too.
Until tomorrow...


  1. Guess I picked the wrong year to retire. I love soft pretzels!!

  2. Small acts of kindness rule the world. Miss you.
