Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10th- A little me time


Day 10- May 10th- Today was a day in which a lot of things happened...and a lot of things didn't.  I had no idea what I wanted to do with the pretzel today.  My golf team was playing in their conference championships and I thought it would be too easy to give it to the best or worst player so I held off on that.  Plus, I already did that last week.  I scrambled to think of someone who truly deserved it and so as I took the pretzel from Shannon, the wonderful person behind the counter, I decided that pretzel needed to be with my family.  I picked the kids up and we headed for the park.  Me, the three kids and...the FREE PRETZEL.  

The FREE PRETZEL decided have some fun on the slide.

Then it was time to do some swings!  WEEEEE!!!

We were having a great time...until Declan said he had to use the potty.  Have you ever tried to use a Port-O-John with three kids?  If so please tell me how you did this.  Patrick insisted that he come inside, while Declan danced around.  I had to set Tabitha on the ground oustide.  She then proceeded to try and put rocks in her mouth.  Patrick played with the toilet paper.  This all happened while the door was wide open and I was screaming " DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!" I helped Declan with his pants, shooed Patrick out the door and had him watch Tabitha.  Patrick then tried to pick her up, whoops, and I almost dropped Declan, as I saw Katie arrive...just in time. 

Wow!  Trust me when I say it was even better in person. Seriously?

The FREE PRETZEL then begged to go on the see-saw with the bottle of water. 
I had to oblige.

Then Patrick ruined all of the fun....

All kidding aside, I knew that it might be tough to just hand out the FREE PRETZEL every day to a worthy recipient.  I was hoping to not make this a contest, nor did I want to offend anyone by the time the month is over.  There is truly no rhyme or reason as to who I give the FREE PRETZEL to each day.  It might just so happen to be a person who pops into my head that day. 

Today was a day for me and my family to enjoy.  The boys actually rejected pretzels as a snack today.  I was shocked!  Tabitha didn't though. It's in her right hand

Tibby enjoying a pretzel...and the swings
She giggled most of the time.

Today was not a day that I deserved the pretzel, but it was a day to take it for myself, share it with my family and then be goofy and share it with you. 

The weekend is almost upon us and with it I am a third of the way done my journey, with the
half-way point in sight.  I still see more adventures to come.  More people to reconnect with.  More lives to make just an ounce happier and more love to be spread with pretzels.
I think I have said this everyday, but this is a lot of fun for me.  I hope you keep reading and all of your words of encouragement are pretty cool.  Thanks. 

Oh and I messed up yesterday.  Yesterday's FREE PRETZEL recipient, Janet, is not from South Philly.  Her husband is.  My mistake.  She is originally from Ohio and then transplanted to Haddonfield.  Somehow that seeped into my brain incorrectly.  Sorry Janet. 
Just think, this was all started because of some dough, salt, mustard and a punchcard.  Oh and encouragement from my beautiful wife, who should continue to get all the credit.  She edits this every day too.

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Tim, this is WONDERFUL! I am enjoying your journey. Boston doesn't have soft pretzel stores, just tons of Dunkin Donuts.
    I had to smile at today's blog...yep, been there, done that and I applaud you for your sense of humor still being intact! Twingles are a blessing AND a challenge! Park days were my favorite. Our favorite had three bucket swings and I developed a rhythm for pushing them on the swings. When someone else wanted a turn I would put Lauren and Julia back to back in one bucket swing and then have Alyssa in the other so we wouldn't get the evil eye for hogging the swings!
