Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 27th- The Taste Test


May 27th day 27- Today was hot and steamy out here on the east coast and so the FREE PRETZEL enjoyed riding in an air conditioned car this afternoon as he prepared to be judged against the competition.  I decided today would be a good day to see what The Original Mart Soft Pretzel Bakery had to offer.  I would like to remind everyone, that I do not care who has the better pretzels, I just love soft pretzels and since people were touting these ones, I figured I had to try them, you know to please the people.  So I drove to Cinnaminson and picked up 2 pretzels for $1.50.  The Pretzel Factory in Collingswood has them 3 for $1.50 and Mondays 3 for $1.  I also purchased a small Boost.  I went with the original Boost and after I saw that the frozen kind looked much better, I knew I made a mistake.  The Boost brought me back to my childhood, to a drink that I never really liked then, but I said I would try now.  Katie had a sip too. The face Katie gave after she had a sip said it all.  She asked "Does someone just brew that in their basement?"  Probably, but if I ever go back to the Pretzel Mart again, I will be having the frozen kind, if any at all. 

Here is the shot before we indulged
Pretzel Mart on top, FREE PRETZEL on bottom
I have to just say that the boys, Tabitha, Katie and I, enjoyed both pretzels.  The Pretzel Mart definitely has a harder coating, but not in a bad way.  For the overall money I would choose Pretzel Factory every time.  More bang for your buck.  Like I said, I like pretzels.  I like FREE PRETZELS even more, so I will continue to be a patron at my local Philly Soft Pretzel Factory since it is close and they are pretty good to me.  But if I ever get the hankering for pretzels while in Cinnaminson, I know where to go.  They did have an interesting variety that I may try and sneak sometime.

Just my last thought for today.  I wanted this blog to be something that made people happy and again bring some joy into the world.  I can be as sarcastic as the next guy, but isn't it time to just be nice?  I said this before, but I feel like this blog has opened my eyes to not looking for that zinger, but to see people be happy and positive.  With all the negativity going on everywhere, sometimes it is just good to see positive things happen.  Being and staying positive has be a better choice for everyone. 

That's all I got.

Until tomorrow...I mean Tuesday

Enjoy your Memorial Day and remember all those that gave their lives to serve our country.    

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