Friday, May 11, 2012

May 11th- For a Good guy


Day 11, May 11th- What a day!  I had an overwhelming response to the blog from yesterday and we are now over 900 views.  That is crazy!  I know that many people are constantly viewing, but at this rate we could be well over 1,000 by the weekend.  I will continue to thank all of you for the amazing words of support and encouragement, even if you are just being nice to the "crazy pretzel man. "  I will also insist that this is a lot of fun and gives me a chance to try and be creative.  Just one more thing to do! Ha!

Today's recipient of the FREE PRETZEL is yet another co-worker and the the 4th member of the 5th grade team at Sharp.  His name is Steve Baughman.  Steve is an avid Phils fan, was at Game 5 vs the Cardinals last fall and has been even more disgusted than me with their recent poor play.  He on the other hand, has actually been watching, whereas I won't even put forth the effort.  For that reason alone he is to be commended.  Steve has also been great in showing me the ropes at my new school and it has been a pleasure to work with him.  As laid back as Steve is, I think he was really excited to get the FREE PRETZEL today.  As you can see, he could not wait to chow down.  Good thing he had a napkin.

Slow down Steve.  You might need mustard!

The weekend is upon us and Mother's everywhere will be appreciated, but not even close to the amount that they should be.  Katie is an amazing wife and mother to our three kids.  I couldn't ask for anyone better.  My mom dealt with double what we have and I have no idea how she did it. I know that we were spread out over 17 years, but wow.  My mom was a do-it-all saint, who never gets enough credit, but maybe I should save some of this for later. 

This weekend should be fun.  Tomorrow we will be hitting up the pretzel factory in the AM and maybe seeing Pretzel Factory worker Shannon.  On Thursday Shannon told me she would take a picture with the FREE PRETZEL, but said to wait until Saturday when she had makeup on.  We will see if she holds up her end of the bargain.  We will then move on to the Collingswood Farmers Market.  The weather is supposed to be really nice and that means the market should be hopping. 

The Pretzel Mart/Pretzel Factory taste test showdown will be coming soon, so stay tuned for that. 

I will leave you tonight with a question.  What is your favorite pretzel combination?  This does not have to be soft pretzels.  My example would be that Katie and I will sometimes dip pretzels into peanut butter and then dip that into chocolate chips.  Sounds good right?  This may explain why I can't lose any weight.  Anyway, what are some of your favorite concoctions?  Katie would also say that pretzels dipped in cream cheese is her fav, which I would agree is a great snack. Share with us and maybe we will try them out and let everyone know how they are.

Today was short, but I am tired and the weekend will definitely bring more adventures. 
Here's to wishing you all a pleasant weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all mother's out there.

Until tomorrow.....

1 comment:

  1. I fixed the comments so that anyone can comment. Hopefully this opens it up to more conversation!
