Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 29th- It's a scorcher out there!


May 29th Day 29- Today was the first day that my FREE PRETZEL card was left with a hole unpunched since I have started this quest.  John, behind the counter, said "This just ruins you doesnt it?"  It kind of did.  I was assured that I would be able to get it "officially punched" on June 1st, but it just kind of stings for now.  I know like it seems I have been getting tired and to tell you the truth, I have.  The heat and humidity have been seeping into my brain and I am not functioning correctly.  It did not help that this morning was Field Day at Sharp Elementary.  Sharp only holds their Field Day in the morning and even so, I had 2 students leave early because of heat complications and 7 or so others go to the nurses office at some point during the day.  AWESOME! (sarcastic) 
I love Field Day, but man was it hot.

Today's recipient of the FREE PRETZEL goes to the man who was up early setting up the entire Field Day extravaganza at Sharp, Mr. Belinsky.  Mr. B, as he is affectionately called around school, not only does everything at Sharp, but he also has a 1 year old at home and is maybe the nicest guy ever.  He will tell you he is from Mt. Holly, NJ, but when he says it it actually sounds like Maholly.  I guess that is how they like to talk up there.  Just kidding Charlie.  Charlie not only put together a heck of a field day, despite the heat, he also puts together many different events at Sharp, showing great school character and school spirit, following in the footsteps of Mr. Mann.  I do not know Mr. Mann well, as he was before my time at Sharp, but his legend seems immense.  In my short time at Sharp, I see Charlie following the legend very well.  Charlie dessrves this FREE PRETZEL not just for today, but for all that he does for Sharp students, teachers and staff.  He was even the captain of our winning voelleyball team.  Not bad for his first year in that position.

Charlie immediately ate his tasty treat.

Charlie did not waste any time chomping down on the pretzel goodness.  He said it was delicious and was grateful to have been given a snack in the afternoon.  Thanks for all you do.

Only a few more days left and oh how the time flew.

Tomorrow is another day of heat and humidity.  It has to end sometime right?

Until tomorrow....  

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