Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22nd- A day for my Mom-Mom

 May 22nd Day 22- Today was another overcast morning as I walked into the Pretzel Factory. The same older gentleman from the past couple of days (I really should ask his name) served me.  He must not recognize me, because he looks stunned at my punch card each time and seems to think "What idiot could have possibly filled this in?"Anyway, I am through two full rows on the card and start the third row tomorrow. I am amazed, just as I am in the school year, at how fast this went.

Today was an easy one.  My Mom-Mom, Mary Morris is 94 and has alzheimers.  She lives in an assisted living home and since she recently moved there in January, I have been to visit her twice, including today.  My Mom-Mom does not really know who anyone is around her and it is sad.  We have gotten used to it though, since it has been so long since she was diagnosed, but it is still hard.  She has been in and out of the hosptial recently for various issues, but has always said kind things, like,"It's been so long since I've seen you. It's so nice to see you." or "This is such a nice surprise."  I have many fond memories of my Mom-Mom, especially during the holidays, sitting on the curb in front of my Aunt Joey's house in Wenonah watching the 4th of July parade.  I remember her being at the shore in Ocean City and her giving me $2 so I could go play miniature golf.  I remember doing yardwork around her house and her looking disapprovingly at the job I did, nevermind the cuts an scrapes I had all over my body from the holly bushes or the endless amount of sweat pouring from my face.  She always had one more thing for us to do. 

When I started this blog, my Aunt Liz, Aunt Kathy and my mom all told me that I needed to give her a pretzel because she loved them.  I had no idea.  So I knew I would get around to it.  My Mom-Mom was in the hospital until yesterday, so barring any dietary restrictions, thought today would be a perfect day for her to have a pretzel. I met my mom at my mom-mom's place and we went to her table together during lunch.  She said hi and said "It's a nice surprise to see you."  I did not go into details, but told her that I was here to give her a pretzel.  Her eyes lit up and she said "I love pretzels."  Even though her lunch had just arrived and she was still finishing her soup, she immediately broke off a piece and said "This looks delicious.  I am going to have a piece now.  Would you like a piece?"  It was really cool to see her so happy.  I was pretty pleased to have my mom there too. 

Mom-Mom immediately enjoying her pretzel.
She posed like that, I didnt even say anything

This was a special day and I am now kind of happy I have this blog just to be able to look back on this day whenever I want to remember my Mom-Mom.

I don't know how I could top this, but

Until tomorrow....


  1. Aw! LOVE this one! Your Mom-Mom is adorable. How wonderful that her spirit continues to shine through despite such a terrible disease. God bless her!

  2. Thanks Tim this was a great personal blog! Mom

  3. Awww... cherish her Tim. I would give anything to have my Mommom back to share a pretzel with! jen weber

  4. Sitting at my desk (in Virginia) eating a soft pretzel reading your pretzel blog. I kindly request family members to bring pretzels for me when they come to visit.

    This is a pretty cool project you are doing. I know I would not be as charitable as you are. The pretzels are too good!

    Keep up the good work!
