Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 9- A special treat on a dreary day


Day 9 May 9th- When I got up this morning I was still basking in the glow of the New Jersey Devil win over the Philadelphia Flyers last night.  I still could not believe they won in only 5 games.  I had no expectations, mostly because I saw the Flyers play last series and they looked almost unstoppable against the Penguins.  Before I go any further, please understand that this is not to make fans of the Flyers upset.  This blog is about sharing and making people happy.  It just so happens that the outcome of the hockey game is how today's recipient came to be.

Even at age 40, this guy still has it in net.
Go Devils!
At my former school, Stockton Elementary, Janet Kolodzey has been a 3rd or 4th grade teacher since I arrived there 10 years ago.  I had the pleasure of working on the same team with her last year, teaching 4th grade.  Long before I met Janet she has been an avid Flyers fan and we had some spirited conversations about the Devils/Flyers rivalry.  She also frequently attends games and passed on the love of the Flyers to her chidlren.  While I drove to work this morning, I thought about those crazy Flyers fans who would be a little disappointed that their season was over, and probably really upset that it happened to the Devils. So I decided it would be best to give the FREE PRETZEL to one of those Flyers fans who would be sad today.  Janet even said that she does not have any hockey fans in her 4th grade class this year, which made her even more bummed.  She also told me she had tickets to the Phils tonight and wasn't sure if they would be going.  I don't know if they went, but given the day she has had, maybe it was better if she didn't go.  Janet grew up in South Philly and is old school through and through.  I miss her and hope she enjoyed the FREE PRETZEL as much as she seemed. 

Janet was really happy to receive the FREE PRETZEL. 
She takes her Flyers losses hard, but this made her smile

I had a couple of interesting thoughts today.  It's funny how many pretzel thoughts float in and out of my head each day now. I can't seem to stop thinking about them.  I actually have been torturing myself by not getting some for myself when I go in.  Maybe my will-power is working?

-I ran into Anthony (the pretzel factory worker who served me on Day 3) this morning.  He said "Hi" to everyone.  He looked tired and I asked him what time he has to be in to work.  He said 5 AM and the store opens at 6.  Also it was hotter than blazes in the store today.  It was rainy and humid oustide, but still scorching hot inside.  Anthony was very pleasant so early this morning, but declined another picture.  Next time. 

-One note on the Phils, I believe that we should have kept Raul Ibanez.  At this rate he might have been our best player. Right Nate and Mary?  I can't even watch anymore.  I'd rather scroll through my DVR and see what looks good.  Ugh.  I know how you feel Janet!

I have ideas for tomorrow, but don't know exactly how they might go.  I guess you will just have to stay tuned.  Man, I love this FREE PRETZEL thing.  It's just fun. Keep the good feelings and happy times rolling!

A shout out to my brother Mike in Vegas this week.  Good luck buddy! 
Didn't your wife just have a baby?  Just kidding.  He is there for work.

Until tomorrow.....

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