Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7th: Back to the Grind


Day 7, May 7th:  Today was truly a tough day for me to choose a worthy recipient of the FREE PRETZEL.  That was until I remembered all the hard work that goes to administering state testing in an elementary school.  Then it was easy.  Joan Pierson received today's FREE PRETZEL and by her reaction she was truly grateful and honored.  She is the Reading and In-class Support Specialist at Sharp school, where I work.  She is also responsible for not only adminstering the test to certain 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students over a two week period, but she is in charge of all the test booklets and test folders and materials that each student needs during this time.  She has done an amazing job and she even said that today, the first day of the 3rd and 4th grade test, is the toughest.  So today Joan got a well deserved treat.  I was more than happy to provide some small relief from the stress she might be feeling.  Only 4 more days left Joan!

Joan seemed very pleased to take her mind off testing during her lunch break. 
Maybe the biggest smile so far!

Speaking of stress, do all of these kids really need to go through this testing?  Did you know that they get tested every year from 3rd grade until high school?  I remember taking the IOWAs and the CAT tests, but this seesm extreme to me.  I feel bad for the kids and I am glad that the testing is over for 5th grade.  To all those still administering the test for 3rd and 4th graders, good luck and I wish you a quick week.

I continue to get great feedback on The Daily Twist and it is great to hear what people are saying and writing.

I wanted to share a few comments on what drink goes best with a soft pretzel. 
The first one may be a bit cliche'(quoting my mom in my blog) but here goes:

My mom says, "Pretzels also go well with tea, thats how I made it through college, but they weren't philly soft pretzels."
Thanks mom, but they don't neccesarily have to be Philly soft pretzels, that just happens to be this brand.  I want people to know that I am not discriminating from any other soft pretzel.  It just so happens that my pretzels are FREE from the Philly Soft Pretzel Factory. 

My brother Anthony then chimed in with this nugget:
"The only combination is a Paulaner Weissbier!  Take note that the Paulaner Brewmaster denounces eating Brezn, which means pretzel in bavaria, with any soft drink! C'mon you should be washing that down with a good old fashioned Beer!"

Thanks Ant.  I will keep that in mind next time.  I do have some Winter Lager still in my fridge.

I kind of mapped out this week with the FREE PRETZELS and I am looking forward to try and make people as happy as Joan.  I still have not figured out the logistics of being able to send someone out of the area, a pretzel that is still fresh.  Thoughts?  We shall see how it goes. 

I am exhuasted and I had a great dinner out with Katie.  My fabulous mother-in-law watched our house, while the kids slept, so that we could have a date night.  We ventured to the Tortilla Press in Collingswood and had another great meal.  They never disappoint.

Until tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Aw. Joan is so cute! I love how you got the pic while she was still red. As for sending out pretzels. I don't think they can get there fresh, but maybe end-of-day stale? Wait until it cools so it is dry. Wrap it in a ziplock with the air pressed out. I hear adding a piece of white bread keeps cookies soft so that may help... Just my thoughts!
