Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8th- A birthday treat!

Pretzel # 8

Day 8, May 8th-  Since I too have a May birthday I am very partial to those that share a birthday month with me, so it is safe to say if you live close and have a May birthday (and I know about it) you might just get a pretzel for your birthday.  That is exactly what happened today.  Kristi Foster is a 3rd thru 5th grade special education teacher at Sharp school and part of my the 5th grade team.  She is getting married this summer and besides the fact that it is her birthday today, probably deserves this pretzel just because.  I know all about those months leading up to a wedding and you constantly stress about things going right.  Along with her wedding plans she also has to administer the 3rd and 4th grade testing for the students in her class.  We want the students to do well, so it is just a stressful couple of weeks.  Kristi has been amazing in welcoming me to my new school this year and I have appreciated her kindness in showing me the ropes.  She was very gracious.  She even wanted to give some of the pretzel to another teacher as a favor for doing something earlier.  She really deserved this.  I was very happy to present Kristi with a small gift, a FREE PRETZEL, on her birthday.

Happy Birthday Kristi!
Kristi even got to blow out a candle in her pretzel! 

Birthday Pretzel!

Of course now I am going to get requests from all the May birthday's that I know, so I will do my best to keep you all in mind. 

Sports update:

Phillies- Yuck! Seriously?  Thank God I did not get tickets this year.

Devils- the Flyer comeback was not to be, so the Devils are moving on to the Eastern Conference Finals.  The NHL playoffs have always been my favorite playoffs, but they are even better when your team stays alive.  Sorry to all those Flyers fans out there.  I feel especially bad for my buddy Garry and my Aunt Liz who are true diehards and understand and respect the game.  The Devils were just a better team.  That has not happened recently...maybe since 2003.
Let's see if the can get to the Cup Finals one more time.

Sixers- are up 3-1, but currently losing by 8

A special shout out goes out to all the 3rd and 4th grade teachers in NJ who are half-way through their state testing.  Almost done!

I also wanted to give a shout out to some Pensacola friends who have been reading the blog, Kelly Tompkins and Nicole Webb. I miss the days when we had to chaperone recess. Those were two really fun years. I hope you and your families are all doing really well.

I am still on a little bit of a high after the Devils game and I am sorry that the blog is so late sometimes, but I am still excited every day to get up and do this. I hope that two weeks from now I feel the same way.  I still have some interesting ideas up my sleeve and hopefully you will all enjoy hearing about them. 

Until tomorrow.....

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