Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17th- Is it Friday yet?


May 17th Day 17- Is it Friday yet?  This is what I had been thinking for most of the morning.  Heck, I was probably thinking about it for most of this week. It might have something to do with the Immediate Family heading to AC on Saturday night, but then again it may just mean I've had enough of this week.

A blog seems to be about what I seem to be thinking.  I continue to think about why I am doing this and what it is all about.  I have to say that it really is about making people happy.  It's about being able to tell people that they are great.  It's about spreading a little bit of joy and then not expecting anything in return. It is about just saying "Thanks for just being who you are." 

I thought about that deeply today, when I decided to give the FREE PRETZEL to another colleague of mine at Sharp Elementary School.  Besides having an uncanny resemblance to my wife Katie's Aunt Janet, today's recipient Jess, was one of the first people to welcome me to my new school.  She just has this wonderful demeanor about her, that makes you feel totally at ease and welcome.  Most elementary school teachers are pretty welcoming, but besides a few people, I didnt know anyone my new job.  Jess made that transition very easy.  She is so quick with a smile and very easy to chat with.  She even saw me at my most confused, when someone had inadvertantly thrown out my breakfast one morning.  Jess is just one of those people that you meet and know she is great and it is great to know her.  She deserved this pretzel today and I was more than happy to give it to her. 
Jess told me the FREE PRETZEL was delicious and that it made her day.
That's awesome!

So I continued to think about who we meet in life and why and what it all means.  Who would you give the pretzel to if you had the same idea as me.  I am more than half way through this and although it seems like it is about WHO to give a FREE PRETZEL to, it's is actually just about being creative and enjoying life.  I found something that I thought would be fun to do and Katie agreed.  Other than some late nights, I am really enjoying it.  Those that have been along for the ride...Thanks.  Who knows how I met you, or why we crossed paths.  I guess the Dave Matthews song "Dancing Nancies" says it best:

Could I have been
A parking lot attendant
Could I have been
A millionaire in Bel Air
Could I have been Lost somewhere in Paris
Could I have been
Your little brother
Could I have been
Anyone other than me
Could I have been
Anyone other than me
Could I have been
Anyone other than me
Could I have been

He stands touch his hair his shoes untied
Tongue gaping stare
Could I have been a magnet for money?
Could I have been anyone other than me?

Twenty three and so tired of life
Such a shame to throw it all away
The images grow darker still
Could I have been anyone other than me? Then I
Look up at the sky
My mouth is open wide, lick and taste
What's the use in worrying, what's the use in hurrying
Turn, turn we almost become dizzy

I am who I am who I am who am I
Requesting some enlightenment
Could I have been anyone other than me?

Sing and dance I'll play for you tonight
And thrill at it all
Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes
But I'll work it out then I

Look up at the sky
My mouth is open wide, lick and taste
What's the use in worrying, what's the use in hurrying
Turn, turn we almost become dizzy

Falling out of a world of lies
Could I have been dancing nancy
Could I have been anyone other than me?

What I guess I mean by this is we have our lives and we never know who we could have been.  Some of us make of our life what we want and others just float through it.  Others think they might be stuck.  We don't like to think about what might be, but sometimes we might want to think about the people in our lives and how we met them and what they mean to us.  You can call them friends or colleagues or acquaintances, but in some way you remembered them or they remembered you and that can have an affect on anyone.  Why can't we do that and then let them know that it's really cool that we know them and that they are special, no matter how briefly they may have known us or been with us?  I think that concept and way of living could be something that I will take out of this. 
I know its just FREE PRETZELS, but maybe to me it happens to be more than that.

I tend to ramble on when I am trying to make a point and with no one nodding their head in approval, I could go on forever. 
TGIF, GO PHILS, GO DEVILS and have a great day.

Until tomorrow....

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