Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 13- Mother's Day


May 13 Day 13- Today was of course Mother's Day and I have spoken about both Katie and my mom in previous entries.  My mom has always been truly amazing.  If you know my brothers and sisters you will know why.  Katie is just the best.  Being a parent is hard.  It's not easy.  We love our kids, but sometimes its just, ahhhhhhh!  I digress.  Katie is a rock.  She is a great mom to Declan, Patrick and Tabitha and if they don't know already, omeday they will know how awesome she is. 
Today Katie wanted to go to the zoo, so we did. She wanted to get a picture with all three of her we did that too.  We did one better and got two pictures

All three kids and mom before we head into the zoo.

Riding a hippo in the childrens zoo.  Man they look happy!
I am a lucky man.

Katie also wanted an uninterrupted nap.  I was on duty downstairs with both monitors.  The kids obliged and she got her wish.  It was a nice day.

Two monitors for three kids.  I was glad they cooperated and took nice long naps

At this point some of you might be asking who go the FREE PRETZEL?  I thought it might be a little cliche' to give it to my mom and my dad did a good job of sealing that deal.  My dad went and bought 20 pretzels the other day and since there are only 4 people in their house, they still have plenty.  So the gesture would have been nice, but my mom did not really need a pretzel today.  Maybe later!

Well, since it was a busy day and we did not want to be a bother to anyone, we kept the FREE PRETZEL for our family.  Tabitha and I actually ate most of it, but the pictures we took did not turn out so well, so we have no proof.  Sorry.  It was good and by Tibby's lip smacking I could tell she was enjoying it

We head into the second half of the month this week.  We have had over 1000 views to the blog and continue to get lost of comments and enmcouragement.  I guess the worst thing is that I have already been thinking about what to do when I get done.  Katie says she has some ideas, but we shall see.  There are definitely some May birthdays coming up and who knows if more birthday treats are in order.  Keep sending the blog to friends and relatives if you think its cool.  I love hearing from anyone.  Oh and just in case you did not see my note before, I fixed the settings on the comments and now anyone can send a comment.  Try not to put anonymous though because I would love to see who is commenting.  Thanks again

Until tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tim! I also agree with Dana about the Mart pretzels but Free is Free :)
