Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 16: Is this getting stale?


May 16th Day 16- I had to ask Katie the other day, is this getting stale?  I actually did not realize my pun until she gave me a look.  But seriously, is it getting old?  I am trying my best to think of ways to spice it up.  Today's recipient was the result of me being a total idiot.  This person would have gotten a pretzel at some point, but after yesterday, he deserved it.  Josh Simonetti is my assistant golf coachat Paul VI.  I gave a shout out to him yesterday.  If you read the blog you would know that after cancelling our match yesterday, I proceeded to notify everyone that it was cancelled...except for him.  He drove down to Riverwinds fully expecting us to play the match.  I talked with him last night and he said it was cool and that he actually got some stuff done.  That still doesn't help the fact that I am an idiot...but a FREE PREZTEL might!

Josh seemed pretty pumped to get his FREE PRETZEL

I threw in a little cup of brown mustard for dipping.  As I got to the course today, Josh actually had to bolt home to meet up with his mom so they could go to the Sixers playoff game together.  It was a Mother's Day present.  Pretty cool idea, until the Sixers go and ruin it.  Way to go Collins!  So we only saw each other for a few minutes today, but thanks for being there all season...even when we aren't playing!

I guess I have to face the facts that I will be called "Pretzel man" or constantly referenced when pretzels are mentioned.  I got a text message today from a friend, saying that they got free pretzels at work.  Funny.  Everyone loves them, free or not.  They are just something that is good, but when someone can just give you one, it just tastes a little better.

Sports Update:
Sixers blew a chance to take hold of their series.  Now down 2-1

DEVILS WIN!- Draws series even at 1-1

Phils- Hector Luna just hit a grand slam to make the score 9-2.  I really hope the bullpen can hold on to this one! 

and the PVI golf team lost to Shawnee today 153-174.  Record is now 8-8

I am torn with what to do tomorrow and Friday.  I definitely want to have the taste test, but do I rush it tomorrow?  I guess we will find out soon enough.  I am tired and nee to go to bed.

Until tomorrow...

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