Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 31- The Final day- Post Surgery

May 31st- Day 31- My first day after my surgery and the last thing I thought about was eating anything.  They had moved my esophagus during the surgery and because I was not feeling to well from the effects of the anesthesia it would be 3-5 days until I even wanted to swallow my own saliva.  Smoothies, ice cream, water ice, yogurt, pudding and jello were about the best choices for me.  The crazy part was I knew I was supposed to go home today and realized I needed to be home before the Philly Pretzel Factory closed so that we could get the last FREE PRETZEL.

My dad waiting for me to return from the hospital, got a special treat
The FREE PRETZEL recipient on this day would be my dad.  Not just because he is my dad, but for more than a million reasons he deserved a special treat.  These past two weeks have not been easy and my dad has been the one playing chauffeur and getting me from place to place, even taking me to the movies when I felt well enough to leave the house for the first time.  He helped take our kids to the babysitter and to school.  he even came over and mowed our lawn one day before taking me out to run a few errands.  He took me to my doctor's appointment and Katie and I cannot thank him and my mom for helping us during this time.

My dad has always been there for me and all my brothers and sisters and I wanted to make sure that this blog was finished before this weekend, being Father's Day.  He is the best dad I could ever ask for and there are not enough words to describe how this small time with him made me feel, but also anytime with him makes me feel.  It is special.  This small month of fun things to do with a FREE PRETZEL was supposed to be special.  My dad's faith and love for life, his children, grandchildren, my mom and his family is what makes him so special. I try hard to be like him and hope that I make him proud.  These few weeks all he could do was worry about me and make sure that I was ok.  Thanks dad for everything.

When it was all said and done, I had no idea that I would be typing the final entry on June 13th.  Sometimes things happen and you have to adjust.  It was fun again this year and just like last year I want to say Thank You to everyone who kept reading and if you made it to the end, sorry it took so long.  It has been a busy, crazy month and a hectic, bizarre last two weeks.  It is amazing to me that I am able to do some of the things that I am doing right now, given what happened two weeks ago, but it also makes me think that doing this blog is small, but meaningful.  If you did not get a FREE PRETZEL and you are a loyal reader I am truly sorry.  There's always next year, right?

I have pretty close to 6,000 views, which almost tripled from last year.  At this rate maybe I will just start throwing in some random entries whenever to keep you on your toes.
Thanks again and I hope you enjoy your days wherever you are and if you are enjoying them with a soft pretzel, free or not, it is probably a good time.

Until whenever...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 30- Surgery Day

Believe it or not we were running late to the hospital and I did not get a picture of the FREE PRETZEL.  Just imagine it was here.

May 30th- Day 30- I woke up this morning, got the kids to school, knowing that in a few hours I was going to have a surgeon try and fix burn spurs in my vertebrae in my neck from pushing on my spine.  Scary stuff right?  The crazy thing is that even after I dropped the kids off, kissed them goodbye and hugged them a little harder and longer than I normally do, I actually was thinking that I need to pick up the FREE PRETZEL before we go into the city.  As I mentioned above, we were late and I did not even get a picture. 

The rest of the morning was a blur.  Into Admissions.  Clothes off. Sanitize wipe down.  Lie on a a bed and wait.  Feel like I have to pee, but can't.  Then they whisk me away and I am not even able to see Katie while they prep me.  I kissed her knowing I would see her again, hopefully sooner than I thought.  She held onto the FREE PRETZEL and I told her she could do whatever.  We had talked in the car about it being for her as as stress snack. 

The prep consisted of many different people coming to see me and telling me who they were an what they would be doing.  Michelle, and Katie and the anetheseologists and the doctors.  It was all too much.  They kept talking to me and poking me and I think the talking was just a sidtraction for all the poking.  They promised me I would be fine, but I wasn't so sure.

After the prep was done, I was on my way.  I made it into the big room with all the white instruments and same doctors and nurses and people moving about and then.........

I was awake and alive and anew nurse, also a Michelle was talking to me and making sure I was breathing.  There was a machine of some kind that monitored that and beeped every time my breathing slowed.  It was terribly annoying.  All I wanted to do was see Katie and i was told that my breathing needed to be stabilized first.  The damn machine kept beeping at me, I guess trying to say, "Well start breathing normally, dummy!" 

Finally longer than I ever thought, I was wheeled to recovery, very groggy and able to see Katie and then very soon after my parents.  I was told me aunt Liz, who works in the city, came by to visit and actually brought me pretzels.  Ha!  I did not get to see her though, I was too late.

I was ok and very loopy on medicine, but they said that everything went well. This story could be a lot longer, but the details were not too important.  I was ok and the next 24 hours would be not so much fun.

The FREE PRETZEL went to Katie, but ceremoniously it should have gone to all the doctors and nurses at Jefferson who took care of me.  They are amazing and I think I could spend a month giving each of them a FREE PRETZEL.  I don't know how to thank them.

BIG SHOUT OUTS- My Aunt Liz for doing her best to try and see me.  Sorry it did not work out. 

Katie for sitting through what had to be a very long 6-7 hours.  Sorry, but you are the love of my life and I was so glad to see you when I was back. 

My parents who were there to see me like they always have been and for getting the kids that day and for helping us in the coming weeks with the children

To Carolyn Eagen- for watching our house and kids while Katie and I were in the hsopital

To my sister Mary and Kenny for stopping by to see me on Thursday night, I was totally out of it, but knew you were there and Happy birthday Kenny.

It is hard to pretend to write this is it happened almost two weeks ago, but I did my best.  I have one more blog to write about and it will be coming I promise.

Until tomorrow....

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 29- For a loyal follower


May 29th Day 29- Today would be my last blog before my surgery.  I thought about who was deserving of the FREE PRETZEL and realized that I had a "no brainer" right in front of me. 
Lisa was happy to have a snack for our faculty meeting
Lisa has been a hug supporter of the blog from the beginning and it was only fitting that she get the FREE PRETZEL at some point .  I thought today was a perfect day, being that we ha an early faculty meeting and that it was the last day I would be in school for the month of May.  Lisa teaches 3rd grade at Sharp, but has also taught 1st.  I even think she told me she taught 5th at one point, but I might be imagining that.  Lisa has told me she enjoys the stories and that she especially loves when the FREE PRETZEL does his best Flat Stanley impression and enjoys a day out doing things that we thought only humans could do.  I was happy to hear that and it was alswasy nice to get encouragement from a coworker.  Lisa is a member of the Green Team at Sharp with me, one of the originators in fact, and wheres many hats at our school.  I won't name them all, but let's just say she is plenty busy.  I do also know that she completed a course at Rider this semester on her way to another Maters degree I believe.  Of course I probably butchered most of these facts, but they seem really good and I know Lisa could have achieved them all anyway. 

Lisa was excited to get the FREE PRETZEL and even shared a small piece with me.  I was happy to see a recipient be so excited about it.  Glad you enjoyed it Lisa

Today I was able to run out at lunch and see the boys at their FUN DAY at school.  I will not go into too much detail, but there were plenty of bounce houses, a train, animals, including a potbelly pig (not for eating) a water slide and ice cream.  Declan enjoyed himself...
Drying off from the water slide

My surgery happens tomorrow and because of this the blog will be late.  I will get it done when I can.  Thanks again for all the hopes and prayers in advance

Shout outs-  
Big Congrats to the Paul VI Baseball and Softball teams who both won their South Jersey Quarterfinal games.  Off to the Semis!

Update- PVI Boys lost in semis, but the girls won, but then succumbed in a 1-0 game in the South Jersey Final.  Congrats to two great runs by those teams. 

Until tomorrow (said with a bit of trepidation)...