Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 29- For a loyal follower


May 29th Day 29- Today would be my last blog before my surgery.  I thought about who was deserving of the FREE PRETZEL and realized that I had a "no brainer" right in front of me. 
Lisa was happy to have a snack for our faculty meeting
Lisa has been a hug supporter of the blog from the beginning and it was only fitting that she get the FREE PRETZEL at some point .  I thought today was a perfect day, being that we ha an early faculty meeting and that it was the last day I would be in school for the month of May.  Lisa teaches 3rd grade at Sharp, but has also taught 1st.  I even think she told me she taught 5th at one point, but I might be imagining that.  Lisa has told me she enjoys the stories and that she especially loves when the FREE PRETZEL does his best Flat Stanley impression and enjoys a day out doing things that we thought only humans could do.  I was happy to hear that and it was alswasy nice to get encouragement from a coworker.  Lisa is a member of the Green Team at Sharp with me, one of the originators in fact, and wheres many hats at our school.  I won't name them all, but let's just say she is plenty busy.  I do also know that she completed a course at Rider this semester on her way to another Maters degree I believe.  Of course I probably butchered most of these facts, but they seem really good and I know Lisa could have achieved them all anyway. 

Lisa was excited to get the FREE PRETZEL and even shared a small piece with me.  I was happy to see a recipient be so excited about it.  Glad you enjoyed it Lisa

Today I was able to run out at lunch and see the boys at their FUN DAY at school.  I will not go into too much detail, but there were plenty of bounce houses, a train, animals, including a potbelly pig (not for eating) a water slide and ice cream.  Declan enjoyed himself...
Drying off from the water slide

My surgery happens tomorrow and because of this the blog will be late.  I will get it done when I can.  Thanks again for all the hopes and prayers in advance

Shout outs-  
Big Congrats to the Paul VI Baseball and Softball teams who both won their South Jersey Quarterfinal games.  Off to the Semis!

Update- PVI Boys lost in semis, but the girls won, but then succumbed in a 1-0 game in the South Jersey Final.  Congrats to two great runs by those teams. 

Until tomorrow (said with a bit of trepidation)...

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