Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 28- Super Sub!

May 28th Day 28- With my surgery quickly approaching, I have been scrambling to make sure things would run smoothly in my classroom and in our home.  The home has been taken care of mostly by Katie, with a little help from me, but my classroom needed to be put in the care of someone capable. 

After surgery, my basic requirement will be to rest.  I will be wearing a soft collar around my neck and probably be in a good amount of pain.  So my job will be to rest and recover. No immediate therapy is said to be required.  I will unfortunately be out of work for at least 9 days, until I am cleared by my doctor to return.  So instead of it being a pot-luck of revolving subs, I just went out and got one of the best.

Pat Baeckstrom, has been a sub in Cherry Hill for about 7 years.  She is a former Stockton parent, although I never had her daughter.  She has two older sons who have graduated from Notre Dame, so the instant connection will always be there.  She bleeds Blue and Gold now and is even very active with the South Jersey Club of Notre Dame, along with her husband.  I am pretty sure that she has subbed for me before, but would have no idea when that once happened.  She agreed to fulfill this 9 day period, and on this day met with me to go over my plans.  She has GIGANTIC shoes to fill. 
Just kidding

Pat seemed happy that she was the FREE PRETZEL recipient, but kindly declined to have her picture taken. She is more than up to the challenge of being with my students and I can't thank her enough.  I hope the small gesture of this FREE PRETZEL was enough for now.

Thanks Pat.

I'm nervous, but know that I am in good hands on Thursday.  I am sorry for being late with the blog the last few days.  I have been a little busy trying to get my "ducks in a row"

Nice win by the Phils tonight- Lee pitched a good one...again.  Can he pitch every game?

Until yesterday... (ha) 

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