Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 14- Almost half way through

May 14th Day 14- The Philly Soft Pretzel Factory was quieter today than usual.  I took my FREE PRETZEL from John behind the counter and made my daily trip down Rt. 70 to the boys school and then to work.  I knew what I would be doing with the FREE PRETZEL today and that lifted some weight from my shoulders.

For those of you that know me well, know that sports in general, and now coaching, is a big part of my life and our family.  I spotlighted Eileen Reilly last week and talked about how she was an intergral part in kickstarting my coaching career.  It would never have happened though if it was not for my assistants. 
Joe with his, a little stale, but still FREE PRETZEL.
This year I have another new golf assistant by the name of Joe.  Joe and I are pretty close when it comes to golf skill and ability and Joe is also a PVI grad.  He played on the golf team at PVI and so to have someone who cares as much as I do about the success of our team and about PVI, is pretty cool.  I immedeiately found out that Joe knows everyone.  Anywhere I have been with him, he happens to know someone or someone that someone else knows.  I call him "the Mayor"
Joe was quick to start helping some of our younger players along, building for the future.  He played college golf at Rutgers-Camden and has played all over the world.  He recently returned from a trip to Boston, where he was rubbing elbows with some of the Red Sox.  Nice life.  It is easy to give the FREE PRETZEL to someone who helps me out in a big way.  I can definitely attribute some of the success of our team and even some of the indiviual players to his presence this year.  He was excited to get the pretzel, even if it was a little stale.  He said, "It's like sourdough."  Thanks Joe.
I apologize for not finishing the blog last night.  As I mentioned yesterday, Tabitha is battling a tough cold and has taken to waking up around 10 each night and screaming to sleep in our bed.  Awesome right?  Well last night I was just too tired and actually fell asleep, even though I had the intention of writing into the wee hours.  It was just too much.  Hopefully the world will be back in order today. Ha!
-Happy belated birthday to Todd Leatherman or "Twizz" as he was known in high school.  Keep up all the good work you are doing! 
-To the PVI golf team for defeating Seneca for ths 2nd time this year.  This puts our grand total of wins over Seneca in my 8 years as coach at 3!  Nice work boys.
-To everyone out there that is reading, I now have over 4200 page views.  That is pretty cool
I continue to get people coming up to me or messaging me on Facebook that they are reading along.  I really appreciate the encouragement and the stories.  It is still fun and I hope it is for you.  Enjoy!
Until later today...

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