Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 8th- A pretzel adventure!

May 8th- Day 8- I am actually just sitting down to do type now, and yet I have the dishwasher to unload and then load again, lunches to make and then laundry to fold.  It sounds like a sitcom or just the beginning to a joke, but such is life. 

This morning was raining and then sunny and then rain and then sun again.  Definitely n up and down day, toying with your emotions.At school today, the first recess actually went outside for about 20 minutes, only to be stopped by a downpour.  As the second group stayed inside for recess the sun shone brightly on the schoolyard blacktop. Crazy day

I had another brief conversation with John behind the counter today.  I asked him how he was doing and we talked about how busy the place was.  He said that it gets busy around 9-12 each day and that their busiest time of the year is actually the winter because schools and businesses will place big orders for different functions.  I wouldn't have guessed that, but it made sense after he said it. 

I struggled with what I would do with the FREE PRETZEL today.  I ultimately decided to take it on a little adventure.  Here is what we did: We took in a little golf practice
Watching tee shots from the comfort of the cart
We decided to get a little closer to the action

Which club should I use here?
We even saw some wildlife on the course. 

This guy may have made a wrong turn somewhere.

This was a very large snapping turtle that seems to be lost.  He was making his way, far from the water, across one of the fairways. Let me tell you that this is not normal for this course, but we have been known to see many geese, ducks, herons, seagulls, deer, wild turkeys and even a bald eagle on the 11th hole has a large nest.

In the end, the FREE PRETZEL avoided a thunderstorm, but was shared with a very hungry golfer.
Pete enjoying a snack
Pete was excited to see a pretzel and told me that some of the players stole his yesterday, so I obliged and shared it with him.  He kind of deserved it since he made an eagle (3 strokes on a Par 5) the day before in our match with Timber Creek from more than 50 yards out.  His shot took one hop and then right in the hole.  It was a nice day on the course and we actually did not get rained on.

Birthday shout-outs go out to my nephew Ryan, featured on Day 5, and my colleague Kristi Patrizzi, featured on this day last year.  Hope your birthdays went well.

Great comeback by the Phils that ended up falling short in extra innings, but this team is starting to show some fire again.  I wonder if these young pitchers can be the speak they need.  I like the young blood to get these guys going.

That's all for now

Until tomorrow...

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