Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 3- Some of the hardest working ladies in the school

May 3- Day 3- I immediately apologize for being late with the blog today.  I have three small children and needless to say on this Friday evening, while watching the Phillies, I fell asleep on the couch.  I awoke at 1 am and proceeded to complete my job of emptying the dishwasher and then filling it with dishes from the sink.  I finally headed upstairs. I looked at the computer.  Then looked at my bed and you obviously know what I chose.

Yesterday morning after going to the Philly Soft Pretzel Factory in Collingswood, I got in the car with the FREE PRETZEL(s) and I had the following conversation with Patrick:

Patrick: "Are you not blogging on the weekend?"
Me: "No Patrick I blog every day in May."
Patrick: "Why do you blog?"
Me: "Because I like to keep track of who gets a pretzel every day and tell a little story."
Patrick: "But why?"

It went on like this for a few more minutes, but eventually he asked if he could help me blog.  Declan asked as well, a nanosecond later. That happens a lot in our house.  So I told them someday.  Well someday happens to be this morning.

The boys and daddy...blogging
So Friday's recipients, yes recipients, are our first pair of the year and are two educational assistants at Sharp Elementary School, where I teach 5th grade.  Mrs. D and Miss Kimberlee had the pleasure of accompanying me and twenty-six fifth graders to the Barclay Farmstead on Thursday.  We learned all about life on a Quaker plantation in the 1800s.  I do feel like I learn something new each time, even though I have been on this trip 10 times.  The ladies did a fabulous job as they each chaperoned a group and basically made sure that all of our kids were respectful and paying attention.  I am happy to report that we got numerous compliments from the staff and from what I saw the kids were great and really enjoyed themselves.

Miss Kimberlee on the left and Mrs. D on the right
Both ladies were happy to receive their treat today and Mrs. D even said "This is great. because I can eat this during lunch.  I love Philly pretzels." Miss Kimberlee did not initially know what this was all about and was more skeptical.  I assured her that it was harmless and that she should just enjoy her treat on a nice Friday.  These two ladies cannot be thanked enough for what they do and not just on the field trip. Miss Kimberlee is in her first year at Sharp and whenever I see her she seems to be working extremely hard with students and it shows how much she cares about her job.  Sharp is lucky to have her.

Mrs. D is a one-on-one for one of my students and besides working with the student and knowing everything there is to know about him, she is just an extremely hard worker and one of the most caring people I have ever met.  She has worked in the district a long time and actually worked at my old school, Stockton, during my first year there.  It was nice to be reunited with her.  In an even smaller world story, she happens to be the aunt of one of my high school golfers from last year.  I love small world stories. I think we make a pretty good team.

I was happy to present them with their pretzel and I hope they enjoyed the rest of their Friday.

Who knows what Day 4 will bring.  I do know that it is supposed to be a beautiful weekend.  the Collingswood Farmer's Market starts today.  My wife and I will be taking our boys to see a performance of the Little Mermaid today at Lenape High School and the boys have ice skating lessons on Sunday.  Should be a fun weekend. 

Keep on reading and spreading the word. I might just show up at your house with a tasty treat. 
Well, unless you got one last year. Sorry :(

Until later today...

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