Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 24- MY BIRTHDAY!!!!

May 24th- Day 24- The 35th installment of my birthday took place today.  A tradition unlike any other.  Oh wait that is something else.  Anyway, it was a great day, but man did it get cold quickly.  I swear I had nothing to do with it.  I love fall, but never on my birthday!
I rolled to the Soft Philly Pretzel Factory with the kids and when I walked in I ordered 25 pretzels, plus the FREE PRETZEL!  It was my birthday, so I needed to bring in treats for the class.  Unfortunately the Pretzel Factory is very busy on Fridays and as John looked around he noticed there wasn't enough. He told me it would be 10 minutes, so I jumped back in the car, took Tabitha to the sitter and drove on back.  I walked up to see a bag of 26 pretzels waiting for me.

Class treat for my birthday!
My birthday is special to me as it should be to everyone.  Therefore when I have the opportunity to actually share it with someone, I think that is a quick bond, no matter how old you are.  A first year Educational Assistant at Sharp School happened to have the same birthday as me, so by default she had to get the FREE PRETZEL, even if I don't even know her that well.

Nicole works with Mrs. Patrizzi, recipient from May 8th last year, in here 2nd and 3rd grade inclusion class. Like I said she is in her first year at Sharp and seems to have acclimated herself well.  She seemed excited to receive the FREE PRETZEL and I was happy to give it to someone who shares my actual birthday.  That made me happy. Ha!  Hope you enjoyed it Nicole.

I want to thank Steve and Jackie for taking me out to lunch.  It was a very nice time. Thanks!

I want to thank my educational Assistant Mrs. D, recipient on Day 3 this month, for providing my class with brownies.  It was a nice afternoon treat. 

When I finally did return home after getting pizza from Wegmans, I was greeted at the door by all the kids and they informed me, "We're eating chips daddy!"  Katie was kind enough to get Herr's BBQ and Sour Cream and Onion chips.  My favorite. 

My parents and my sister Lauren joined us for dinner and ice cream cake, also my favorite.  My mom surprised me with this:
A pretzel cake!
It was awesome.  She said I always give out pretzels and never get one, so she baked me a Pretzel cake.  It was complete with salt for icing, which I very much enjoyed. It was a great day.
Thanks mom! Thanks Katie.  Thanks Patrick, Declan, Tabitha, Dad and Lauren.  It was great to have you all there.

Turning 35 with a pretzel by my side.
It is always great to have my family with me for my birthday, but all I really wanted to do was go to the movies at some point this weekend.  We shall see what the rest of the weekend brings.  Maybe I might even get in some golf?

The May Fair is in Collingswood on Saturday and that should spark some ideas for the FREE PRETZEL.  Just wait and see.

Shout outs (same as last year): My shout-outs go to those that also share a birthday with me today...Fred Wittenberg, Nick Brooks and Mrs. Skoviak (my third grade math teacher). I know there might be others, but those are the ones I will always remember.

Until tomorrow...(or later today)

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