Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day 11- A do-over Day

May 11th Day 11- Today was a do-over. Last Thursday I tried to make a connection for a pretzel drop-off, but the timing did not work out as planned.  Today I decided to take the matter into my own hands.  It was time to go straight to the source and hope that things worked out.  It was time to hit the road.

The pretzel was happy to enjoy the beautiful weather, as we rolled down the road with the windows down. The boys were with me for the day as Katie took Tabitha to Brooklyn to see her new cousin Theo.  As I am typing this I just realized that I never congratulated Katie's sister Elizabeth and her husband Lado on the birth of the first baby, Theodore.  Congrats!

That's how my brain works.  Okay, back to the road. So the boys and I needed to run some errands before we had fun and after a brief stop to drop off a Mother's Day card to my mom, we were off again.  We were only off again after I received the address from Dana Lyall.  Thanks Dana.

We made our way to the west side of Delran, across route 130, where we came to my friend Kelly (Judge) Gavitt's house.  This is no disrespect to her husband Van, but she will always be Kelly Judge to me, just like when I typed Dana Lyall a minute ago did not make any sense to me, because she will always be Dana Merkle.  Anyway, I was delivering the FREE PRETZEL to Kelly, not only because she is a good friend, but because she was the first of my virtual friends to like my status when I posted on Facebook that the Blog was back.  It touches me when people say that they enjoy the blog and that they enjoy reading it.  I have had friends that I have not even seen in years, write to me on Facebook and tell me that they had fun reading the blog or that they were looking forward to it wach day.  Kelly has been a supporter from the beginning and it made me very happy to give the FREE PRETZEL to her today, even though I screwed up last week and was not able to meet her.  This was my do-over.

I had to leave the FREE PRETZEL at the doorstep!
Only there was a slight problem.  Kelly was not home.  Oops.  That is what I get for taking matters into my own hands. This was a first.  Well I called Katie to see if she thought it was a good idea to leave it and she said it was.  As I bounded down Kelly's steps to leave, turning to say goodbye to the pretzel, I saw Kelly was trying to pull into her driveway that I was blocking.  HOORAY!
I quickly moved my car and Kelly informed me that she was out getting her nails done for her brothers wedding next week.  Kelly happens to be pregnant with baby #2, I hope this baby likes pretzels.  No word yet on if she shared it with anyone.  I think she was a little bit excited, because although she knew it was coming (after my screw up last week) she texted me this later in the day:
                          Thanks again Tim for making me the pretzel winner.  I know u don't call it that but Im going to refer to myself that way for the rest of the day. :)

Kelly, you can do whatever you want.  Thanks for being a good friend and following along.  I could go on and on about her, but I would totally embarrass her, so I won't.

I'll leave you with a few photos from the day at Knight park with my boys:
Declan trying to get a closer look at the fish
The boys checking out what some high schoolers are doing
 All of us together looking at our reflections

This was supposed to be turned.  I have no idea why not.  Oh well.  We had a great day.

It's late.  I'm tired.

Until tomorrow...

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