Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 12- Happy Mother's Day

May 12th- Day 12- Happy Mother's Day to all mothers that are reading today. I hope you all had a great day.  A special Happy Mother's Day to my own mom.  Thanks for everything you have ever done for me. I know I didn't see you today, but I hope you liked my card.

We do not like to profess our love to each other over the internet, so I will just say that Katie, you are the best mom around.  I am thrilled to be on this adventure with you and to know that our kids will always be in good hands with you as their mom.  You make me happy when I get up in the morning, even if I don't always show it.  I love you very much.

Today's pretzel went to Katie and she shared some with Declan.  (he kind of begged her for some)
Katie was thrilled to silliness to get the pretzel!
The rest of the blog will be filled with pictures from our Philadelphia Zoo adventure this morning.  Enjoy!
Patrick the monkey?
Declan grooming the goats.
Declan and Katie down the winding slide.
A new Mother's Day tradition.  Picture on a hippo!
One more for good measure.
It was a beautiful day and much fun was had by all.  A successful trip to the zoo, complete with almost running smack dab into the middle of the Suasn G. Komen Walk on Ben Franklin Parkway, Declan's Peanut Butter sandwich getting stolen by an overzealous goose, a minor meltdown by the boys towards the end, and a chance meeting with one of the boys' friends from school (Hayden).
That's our usual tornado.

Quick birthday shout-out to ND Alumni Anne Jaeger.  Hope you had a good one, Anne.

Phils win again.  Nice way to come through Howard!

Until tomorrow...

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