Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 19- Rainy Sunday


May 19th- Day 19- The rain decided to stay all day so we decided to go under the sea.  The Casale family ventured to the Adventure Aquarium for the morning.  Since we like to get to attractions early, we arrived at 10:03, three minutes after it opened and the world was our least for about 30 minutes.

Here is as sampling of some of the things we did, before getting the FREE PRETZEL.

All three kids and Katie decided to really go under the sea!
Declan trying to see what it would be like to be a turtle
Patrick and Tabitha just hitching a ride
Declan trying not to get eaten
After enjoying our time at the Aquarium, it was time to pick up the pretzel and head out on the road.
When I got to the Pretzel Factory, the same two guys from last week were behind the counter and pulling out of the oven, another pretzel pizza!  It was way bigger than the one from last week and they explained to me that when the dough goes through the roller, it will have excess and when they shut the machine down for the day, these guys use the excess to make a really good looking pizza.  I really may need to try and order one someday.

Two days ago, I made a small joke about my mom probably not approving of my brother Mike's photo for Thursday.  I made the joke because it was funny, not because I was picking on my mom.
Anyway, I don't need a FREE PRETZEL or a blog to tell everyone that my mom is awesome, but I decided to do it anyway. The boys and I had to take my brother Mike back to the Trenton airport so he could fly back home to Ohio and I figured I could just drop the pretzel off.  Only problem was...I forgot my mom wouldn't be there.  So I decided to leave it for her

I hope the FREE PRETZEL wasn't lonely.
It was still warm and fresh when I left it and only being there for a few hours shouldn't have spoiled it.  My mom is an amazing mom, mother-in-law and Mom-Mom and it is easy to give her a pretzel for more than a billion reasons.  She did help us out in a pinch last week when Tabitha was sick, so maybe this is a late Thank you. Thanks mom.  I know you will always be there when we need you, or just to be there.  That's what makes you so special.  There are not enough words to say how awesome you are.  I hope you enjoyed the pretzel.

When she got home she would have read a note that said for her to take a picture on dad's phone and send it to me.  Hilariously my dad took a picture of just the pretzel and the sign (not the one above) and sent it to me.  I meant for him to take on of my mom. Here is his handiwork:
Mom with her FREE PRETZEL
Just wanted to share a quick story.  On our way to drop off Uncle Mike, both boys had fallen asleep on the ride up.  Patrick awoke as we were dropping him off and about 20 minutes in to the ride back, he burped.  I looked back at him and saw very sad eyes.  I then witnessed a very slow motion version of him throwing up. Not fun.  The poor guy was helpless and just had to watch as it dribbled down the front of his shirt.  We pulled over to the scenic lookout on 295 and the Delaware River and I stripped him of his clothes.  Luckily we happened to have an extra sweatshirt he could wear.  Poor guy.  He actually threw up again about 5 minutes from home, but I had taken extra precautions with a golf towel of mine.  As Katie says, "We are all washable."  That could not have been more true in this instance. Since he is running around and playing like normal, we believe he was just carsick.  He even told Katie that the car was moving too fast.  Whoops.

Shout outs:
-Phils win with back to back homers in the ninth by Erik Kratz and Freddy Galvis off of Aroldis Chapman!  Wow! Just wow!

-Happy birthday to Maria Gentiletti, fellow Delran High AlumHope it was a good one.

-To Katie's mom for watching the kids last night so we could go out to another fabulous dinner at The Tortilla Press in Collingswood.  How was NCIS?

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Tim, it was truly appreciated and very good too!
