Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 13- Breaking the rules


May 13th Day 13- Today was as day to break the rules.  It was cold and windy and not really even that nice to be outside.  It's May 13th! For crying out loud! So as I contemplated the many ideas that I have for FREE PRETZEL, I rolled up to Tabitha's babysitters house and it hit me like a ton of bricks. 
Tabitha has been a little under the weather lately and we may have found out why.  She has been very clingy with us lately, especially to Katie.  She does not want to leave her side and often just wants to be held. This is not always easy to do with two 4 year-old and many things to do around the house.

When I arrived at Lori's this afternoon, all of the kids she watches, were outside.  Tabitha was playing with sidewalk chalk, baby Liam was in his stroller and the other three kids were playing in the yard.  Lori looked a little worse for the wear and I found out why pretty quick.  Tabitha saw me and was instantly motioning for me to pick her up.  Lori then informed me, without having to because I looked at her face, that Tabitha had a constant runny nose.  She then proceeded to tell me that the 1 year old she babysits, threw up in the dining room today and went home.  She also told me that one of the little girls was sick for most of the weekend.  I did not envy her.

I scooped up Tabitha.  Plopped her in her car seat and then asked the boys if they thought we should give the FREE PRETZEL to Lori.  (They used to go to Lori up until this year) They responded with a resounding "Yes!"  They too got pretzels. 

I zoomed to the Philly Pretzel factory and then quickly returned to her house with a hot and soft FREE PRETZEL.  She was very pleased and immediately asked all the kids if they wanted to share it.  She declined a picture, since after the day she was having, thought she did not look well enough.  She jokingly asked "Is the way I look the reason I got the pretzel?"  I said no, but she did look exhausted. 

Lori is a fabulous babysitter.  Our kids all love going to and being at her house.  I do not know what we would do without her.  Thanks for all your do Lori!  I hope you got to eat at least a little bite of the pretzel.  I also hope your house rids itself of the germs quickly!

Some observations:
When I was in the Pretzel Factory the other day, I couldn't help but notice what looked like a pizza over in the staging area.  I had to ask, so I did.  One of the guys said they were getting creative that day.  I was just taken aback and had not wanted the pizza, but he must of sensed something and immediately said that he couldn't sell it to me or he would get in trouble.  Ha! No biggie. Today thought I asked him how it was and he said it was very good.  Maybe someday I can try and get them to special order make me one.  That would be something.  

There are so many things that I think about during the day, that I think would be fun to share in the blog and then totally forget about when I actually sit down to type it.  I need to start jotting these down on my phone. 

As I am typing Tabitha and Declan are both up and crying.  I am going to retreat for the evening.

Until tomorrow...

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