Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5th- Cinco de Mayo...but we celebrated something else


May 5th- Day 5- Today was a fun family day.  It was a gorgeous day and the Casale family had a full day planned.  We had a somewhat relaxing morning around the house, before we had to head off to the boys skating lessons.  The boys and Katie have been very excited about their lessons.  I have too, but today as my first time seeing them in action.  Today was lesson #2.  After a short stop off to get the FREE PRETZEL, it was off to the Skate Zone for some "hockey lessons" as the boys call them.  It was really cool to see them out on the ice.  So cool that I just needed to show them off to you.
Patrick showing off his balancing skills

Declan trying desperately to get back to his walker

It was really neat to see them embrace the ice and really listen to their instructor.  Unfortunately for me, Tabitha did not want to be with Daddy and since Mommy had to join the boys on the ice soon after these pictures, I needed to remove her from the rink. Freak out does not do justice to what this child did to me.  Let's just say, after I wrestled her into her seat, I drove to get gas and she did not calm down until I was at the pump.  I returned to the smiling faces of Patrick, Declan and Mommy and we were off to Mom-Mom and Pop-Pops for lunch.

The FREE PRETZEL recipient today was my nephew Ryan, who has a birthday on May 8th.  As I am a May birthday myself, I always like to give props to other May birthdays out there.  This one was no exception. 

Ryan gladly accepted the pretzel and didn't wait to dig in

Ryan turns six on Wednesday and today he took time out from his busy tee-ball schedule to hang with his cousins.  We all enjoyed a wonderful lunch, ice cream cake and good times.  I think the FREE PRETZEL even gave Ryan some extra energy.  Here are a few shots from the rest of the day.

Alex, Ryan, Tabitha and Declan playing soccer
Ryan blowing out the candles on his ice cream cake.  It was good!
They even paused for a moment with Pop-Pop. 
Pop-Pop was not that angry in this picture.  He did not know we were taking it and before I could take another the kids all dispersed quickly.  Patrick is noticeably absent. 

It was a really fun day had by all.  Katie and I were exhausted by the end of the day.  I still needed to make a trip to Wegmans to get a few essentials for the week and guess who got to come with me....that's right Tabitha!  Wegmans is literally 7 minutes from our house.
This is what she looked like after I parked the car to go into the store.

Exhausted by her bad behavior
I swear this little lady is going to put me over the edge.  Twins were nothing compared to her.  In all seriousness, it was a really great day and I was happy to see Ryan enjoy his pretzel, even if he didn't know what I woulds be doing later at almost 11 pm.  Ha!

This week is apparently teacher appreciation week.  Funny how that happens to coincide with my administering of the NJASK test.  Oh well.  For all those teachers enjoying the blog here is a little something you might enjoy:

I enjoy Chipotle very much and if you can't read this, just bring your ID into any Chipotle on Tuesday May 7th and receive a buy one/get one anything
Pretty sweet deal if you ask me.  I wonder what this week will bring?

Until tomorrow...

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