Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day 10- Happy Nurses Week (Part 2)!

 May 10 Day 10- I could not celebrate Nurses Week, without honoring Stockton Elementary School's nurse Eileen Reilly.  Eileen has been there for at least 11 years, when I started there, and has always been a fabulous nurse to all of her students.  Eileen has been a loyal fan of my coaching career and in a sense was the one who was able to kick start it.  As the story goes, Eileen was sitting at a Paul VI high school sports banquet for one of here three daughters.  She happened to be sitting with the athletic director when he leaned over and asked her if she knew anyone who could be a golf coach, because he needed one for the upcoming season.  Luckily she immediately thought of me and the rest, as they say, is history.  I started coaching that year and I am now in my eighth year of coaching golf and 3rd year of coaching girls volleyball at PVI.  Thanks Eileen.

Eileen and her Friday breakfast treat
I arrived ay my old school this morning to meet Eileen and she honestly did not know what I was going to give her I think.  When I showed up with the pretzel, she said, "Great, breakfast!"  I watched first hand, as many 5th grade classes at Stockton passed through their doors and thought they owned the school and would make Eileen's office their 2nd home.  "Ain't no one got time for that!" was definitely a phrase that Eileen could have used back then.  She even convinced me to do "The Talk" for the 5th grade boys one time.  Awkward. I vowed never again.  She was a great colleague and is still a good friend.  I have no idea how she did it or still does it with three girls right in a row, but she has always seemed to enjoy life.  I do really owe the start of my coaching career to her and although it probably attributed to my increased stress level, baldness, and maybe even high blood pressure, I'll forgive her for that.  I hope the FREE PRETZEL made her Friday.

I guess it will be a new Friday tradition that I do the blog on Saturday morning. Just too tired. As I am currently doing the blog, my wife is verbally wrestling with our children as they want to play with her jewelry.  I guess the blog provides me with the perfect getaway sometimes.  Ha.

I guess the Phillies season is gonna be just like Godfather 3.  "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!" It's going to be exhausting.

As I am still writing, Patrick has taken it upon himself to do his best Tommy Boy impression and talking into a fan.  He may not have quoted Star Wars but it was pretty funny.

Shout outs:

Happy birthday to Stockton school Kindergarten teacher Jackie Mulligan.

Thanks to Nate and Dana for hosting dinner last night at their house.  It was great to see Joe, Kara and Joey Tabella too. It may have been a late night for our kids, but they were asleep less than 10 minutes after bath.  That equals bliss for Mommy and Daddy.  

Just because it's the weekend does not mean the blog train stops.

Until later today....

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