Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 27- Memorial Day

May 27th Day 27- We honor all those who have fought for, are fighting for and will fight for our freedoms.  We shall never forget their sacrifices and the sacrifices of their families and friends.

Flying our flag
With that being said, the kids and I headed to Riverside to take in their Memorial Day Parade.  This is the same parade that I used to attend with my family when I was a kid.  It was a gorgeous day and we even sat right across the street from Sweeney Funeral Home, where my family used to sit.

Anxiously awaiting the parade to start.
All three kids were great.  Even when we had to keep waiting when one of the fire trucks sped out of the parade to go answer a call.  The whole parade stopped and did not start again until the truck returned.  It was only about 15 minutes, but it was frantic. 
Tibby enjoying a lollipop.
When the parade did get going, the kids thoroughly enjoyed candy being thrown from almost every participant.  It was complete with three sections, Riverside groups, Delanco groups and finally Delran groups.  It was pretty cool.  I got to see the Delran High School Golden Regiment Marching Band and plenty of Delran fire trucks bringing up the rear.
Golden Regiment Marching Band
Delran Firefighters
It was a really nice time and the hour went by fast.  We may make this a new tradition.

Oh the pretzel. Well since the Pretzel Factory was open today, I headed up there in the afternoon, with no idea what to do with it.  I brought it back home and since the crew was pretty hungry I put it out on the table and...
Finger swear

We all promised to share it.  In thirty seconds...
You cannot leave a soft pretzel unattended in our house
It was gone.  Nothing wrong with that.  We then headed on a long walk around Newton Lake to walk it off.  It was a great day of a parade, rest, playing in the back yard, sharing the pretzel, taking a fun walk while finding frogs and turtles and then Finding Nemo to end the day.  Not bad.
I hope your Memorial Day and weekend were just as fabulous.

Only a few days left and then another FREE PRETZEL a day for a month will be gone for another year.

I wonder what these last 4 days might hold?

Oh and by the way, the Philly Soft Pretzel mascot has a name. Phil E.  No seriously, that's what it is.  Just thought you all should know.

Until tomorrow...

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