Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7th- Teacher Appreciation Day!


May 7th- Day 7- Today was apparently Teacher Appreciation Day, although my school celebrated it last week, I am never one to turn down appreciation. 

I arrived at the Pretzel Factory and it was a lot less busy than yesterday.  I asked John behind the counter what was going on yesterday and he said that it was some Nurses Day order.  There were a whole bunch of pretzel trays so I hope they enjoyed them.  Today was much calmer and John said "as long as it stays this calm today, my day will be just fine."  Its interesting when I get any words out of this guy, so it was nice to see him open up like that.

Since it was teacher appreciation day, I want to send a shout out to all teachers in hopes they are now appreciated.

Today was the first time that I would be able to appreciate a teacher, as a parent of one of the students, or in this case, two of the students.  Our boys attend Blessed Edmund Early Childhood Center.  The school is run by the Little Servant Sisters, who do an amazing job with just about everything.  Today I gave the FREE PRETZEL to Sister Bozena (pronounced BO-Zen-A). 

Sr. Bozena with her pretzel treat
This woman is truly on her way to sainthood after dealing with our two lovely boys for more than 5 months now.  She has our boys 5 days a week and also has two different classes of 3 and 4 year olds, a M-W-F class and a Tu-Th class and almost never misses a day. She is wonderful and sweet, even when she is telling us that our boys had a rough day.  It shouldn't make us feel better, but somehow it does because of how loving she is.  She truly sees the love in every child, not just ours.  It is really something to see.

I tried my best to explain what I was doing with the pretzel and blog and all and I asked her if she liked soft pretzels.  She said "Very much so, yes." She seemed very pleased and gave me a hug.  Then I had her pose with the boys
Sister and the boys!
She has been an amazing influence over our boys and we could not have asked for a better place for them to have landed.  We are so blessed and happy to have our boys be watched over by this great group of ladies.  She even took the time to write me a Thank You note:
A sweet pretzel Thank You.

It was great to see her so upbeat and happy, like she usually is and it was nice that she even shared the FREE PRETZEL with the boys later on in the day.  Thank you Sister for all you do!

I wanted to send some shout-outs to a few people:
1) Beth Ann- for sending the Chipotle Facebook post about a buy one/get one today for all teachers.  The line was out the door, but it was worth the wait.

2) Melissa Tacey- For posting this on Facebook the day I announced the return of The Daily Twist:

Melissa Tacey Thank you for once again making me jealous for 31 straight days! 
She lives in Chicago and probably no access to Philly Soft Pretzels.  But hey, I heard you are coming east soon, so maybe there will be a special treat waiting.

One week is in the books and already I am exhausted.  It still is fun and until it isn't anymore I will do my best to spread a little joy, one FREE PRETZEL at a time.

Unit tomorrow...

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