Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1st- She keeps on going!

Pretzel #1

May 1- Day 1- I was excited and re-energized today with the thought that my May odyssey was once again underway.  I did not have a very good end to April, so it was a perfect day to start with a fresh, FREE PRETZEL!

As I walked into the Philly Pretzel Factory in Collingswood, I happen to see another man walking in as well.  It turns out he also had a punch card.  I feel like this is one of the first times I ever ran into another punch card holder since I have been doing this.  I actually couldn't help but wonder what he was going to do with his FREE PRETZEL.  Was it for a blog?  For someone else?  Or was he going to be boring and just eat it?  I will never know, but if I see him again I will definitely ask him.

Believe it or not I actually mapped out a few of the first days this year.  I will try and be more succinct as well.

I just want to let all the readers know that there are a few new rules this year: 1) unless you are a family member or an extreme special circumstance, then there will be NO repeat recipients from last year.  Actually that is the only rule, so here goes.

Mom-Mom showing off her snack before lunch
Today was Day 1 and since I decided to do this again I knew who it was going to.  My Mom-Mom, Mary Morris, turned 95 this past November.  She did not magically began to remember who anyone is, so if you read this last year you know about her condition.  She has Alzheimer's disease and has for 15 years.  I had my mom meet me at my Mom-Mom's place, so that we could present her with the FREE PRETZEL together.  Her eyes once again got very big, but this time after she had a small bite, insisted that we have some and that she could not eat it all.  We left it in a plastic zip-loc bag for her.
It is always nice to see her and although I know she will never truly recognize me again, I am happy that she seems in good spirits.  As I left, I thought that as long as she is never in pain, that I hope she just keeps on living.

Three generations of pretzel lovers. Ha!
My son Patrick recently asked me, "Daddy, when will I be 100?" We talked in the car this morning about how I was giving the FREE PRETZEL to my Mom-Mom and that she was 95 years old, which is pretty close to 100.  I told him that she made it this close, so maybe we will get to see her get there.  He had a big smile on his face thinking about the fact that it could be possible.  It was a good day.

Tomorrow is another day and another FREE PRETZEL.
Spread the words and share this with anyone you know.  You just might find yourself as a recipient soon.

Until tomorrow....

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