Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 9- Happy Nurses Week!

May 9th- Day 9- Today was an early day in our household, not because our kids woke us up.  Nope.  Today was just a busy day.  Up early around 6, only to roll over, make the bed and then see this...

Irish and her morning ritual
Those of you that know me, know that I am not a cat person and I am not a dog person.  The only pets I had as a kid were a Goldfish named Mr. T that I won at the swim club carnival and a few hermit crabs.  The goldfish survived for like 11 years in a tiny fishbowl with no rocks, trees or underwater nick-knacks.  The hermit crabs probably did not last a month.
Anyway, Irish is just one of our three cats and being the oldest is usually in our bed, claiming her territory, even before I am out of it and almost always before we make it.  On this day she was in the bed, departed to allow us to make it, and then decided to continue her exhausting day.  I just thought I would share this lovely picture.  I know you are all jealous.

As for the pretzel, I wanted to make sure I celebrated Nurses Week by presenting the FREE PRETZEL to Sharp schools hard-working nurse, Marci.  

Marci Finally enjoying her FREE PRETZEL
Marci joined the staff last year, just like I did, but all of her kids attended Sharp, so she has been more than familiar with the ins and outs of the school.  She goes beyone the call of duty and has to deal with way more than just school sickness.  It's no wonder she hasn't received guidance counselor or therapist credits.  I know a few from my class, who enjoy the comforts of her office.  Just last week, she had to have "The Talk" with the fifth grade boys and their dad/guardian.  Just for that she deserves a FREE PRETZEL treat.  
I explained why I was doing what I was doing to Marci, but then because I was running late and had to administer the last day if NJASK testing, I plopped the pretzel down on her desk, told her it was for her, but that she couldn't eat it until I took her picture.  I then disappeared upstairs and did not return for 3 hours.  Since I have been doing this small act of kindness, this was truly the meanest delivery I have made.  She stayed true to her word though, didn't take a nibble and I was able to get her picture after the morning was over.  She was very pleased that she could finally have a bite.  Sorry Marci.  I hope it was worth the wait.  Happy National Nurses Week

I have three birthday shout-outs for today:
-Fellow ND alum, former ND men's basketball head manager and also fellow O'Neill Hall resident Aaron Yoder turned 35 today

-Holy Cross High School Alum Mike Givnish also turned 35

-And my cousin Joellen Seville had her birthday today too.  I'll see her on the 4th of July in Wenonah, NJ as always.  

I also want to congratulate 4 members of the Paul VI golf team for making either the first and second team National Division of the Olympic Conference for 2013. 
Nick made First team
Sean, Matt and Jack all made Second team.  
It's the most players we have had make either of the two teams since 2010. Congrats!

Since I did not have a golf match or practice today,Ii was able to be home and play in the backyard with the kids.  I played basketball, football (kicking and throwing) and baseball with Declan.  I played baseball with Patrick.  We all had snacks.  I watched them all as they played with sidewalk chalk and proceeded to draw all over their fisher price, plastic jungle gym.  I watched as Tibby tried to draw all over her brothers, giggling the whole time.  I even watched a spirited game of chase, from within a hula-hoop.  Picture two boys running inside the hoop, trying to get away from each other, but pulling the other closer each time he moved.  Hilarious.

But the best thing I saw was the three of them turning over all the rocks that border our very shabby looking flower beds to look for worms and bugs.  It is hilarious how much watching the Wild Kratts on television has influenced their love of nature and animals.  Here is just a snippet of what it looked like:
All three having a ball with bugs!
Until tomorrow...

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