Sunday, June 1, 2014

May 30th- Thank God It's Friday!

May 30, 2014 Year 3 Day 30
FREE PRETZEL #30 (minis)

Today was a good day to be a Friday.  Fore most of us this week was a four day week, but it seemed like a 6 day week!  Benica Kim is a 2nd grade teacher at Sharp and jack of all trades.  She coordinates the shirt orders for the Volley for Support at Sharp school and makes sure we all give her money on time.  She also got put in charge of organizing a book for our principal Mr. Homer with all of the staff letters to him.  So basically she gets put in charge of having to bug everyone in our school to get their SH%$ done.  That doesn't sound like fun or very rewarding.  I thought it would be a great idea to give her a FREE PRETZEL today.

The only problem with that was when I got to the Pretzel Factory today they only had mini-pretzels available.  So I grabbed six and I was on my way.  I met Benica at her early morning meeting, which just happened to be with the 3rd grade team.  Lisa Feinstein, third grade teacher and loyal blog follower, was excited to get to see another FREE PRETZEL be presented to a happy recipient.  She said she wanted to be included to all of them for now on because people tended to be surprised and also very honored/excited to get a pretzel.  Benica was both as well.  She seemed a bit flustered, but also very pleased because she didn't have breakfast and this was her perfect snack.  At least that is what she said.  I was happy to pose for the picture with her.  Please excuse the glare off my dome.
Benica and her breakfast surprise
Benica, like so many other Sharp employees, is always so kind and welcoming.  She works in the complete opposite end of the building, so I tend to only see her in the morning, at lunch, or after work, if at all.  She always seems to be smiling and loves her job.  I tease about having the tough job, but she does it and never seems to complain.  At least not to me.  I am glad she enjoyed her treat and hope it made her day, at least the morning.

I also had some minis to go around so, new loyal blog supporter, Michelle Kains received a morning treat as well.  She is the ELL teacher at Sharp and is always fun to talk to school, life and the good old days in Cherry Hill. I was happy to share my extras with her. I hope she liked it.

1 day left.

Until tomorrow...

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