Monday, May 28, 2018


May 11, 2018- Day 11 Year 7-
Last night was the last PTA meeting for Johnson School and as teacher liaison to the PTA, I figured it would be a good idea to show up to at least one meeting this year!  As the other liaison, Christine Mays has been a lot more active than me, when it comes to showing up at PTA meetings, taking notes and being involved.  During the meeting I got to talking with Christine and I actually had some pretzels in my bag with me.  I offered her one, but she said, "How about tomorrow morning?" I said "Deal."

Giddy with FREE PRETZEL delight
Well Friday morning FREE PRETZEL came with a small price.  I picked up two rows of mini pretzels and after presenting Christine with her FREE PRETZEL, I also presented her with the challenge of giving out all of the mini pretzels.  
The Challenge
Being the extremely smart person that Christine is, she immediately began sharing them with her grade level partners (first) and then even some second grade teachers and was able to unload all of them before lunch!  I guess I made it too easy on her.

Seriously though, Christine is awesome and a good friend.  It was fun trying to see her play my part, even for a few minutes this morning.  I guess I should have made her write about it.  Ha!.  Next time I guess. Thanks and I hope you had some fun today Christine.   

Until tomorrow...