Wednesday, May 9, 2018

May 5th- Spring in South Jersey

May 5, 2018- Day 5 Year 7-

 Ahhh a spring Saturday.  What could be better?  The opening day of the Collingswood Farmers Market, yard work, soccer practice and Tabitha getting her ears pierced.  Wait, what?  When did my little baby girl grow up so fast?  Sheesh.  A long time ago in a galaxy far far away in my younger self I probably would have scoffed at this notion, but que sera.  Although I do think it's a little weird for babies to have their ears pierced, but even then, whatever.  I guess I'm beginning to make the motto "Life is too short" as my mantra.  Here are some of the highlights from our day.

We ventured to the Collingswood Farmers Market and it was one of the more glorious opening days in the past few years.  We hit all of our regular spots. We stopped by Springdale Farms for apple cider donuts.  We eased on down the block for kettle corn and peach cider.  Then we stopped by the Amber Grain bakery tent for their Collingswood Sourdough bread.  It's phenomenal.  Of course we then had to go to Duker's for their chicken salad, which served on the aforementioned bread is fantastic.   
A fantastic opening day of the market

Where we get most of our produce each Saturday

The best apple cider donuts around
We rounded back, picked up some produce and headed home for yard work.  YAY!!!

After some much needed spring cleaning, Tabitha accompanied me on my trip to Ray's Mower shop in Maple Shade to have ouw mower looked at.  We left it with him and then I decided I needed to introduce her to the Maple Shade Custard stand.  She had not gotten her ears pierced yet, but I thought it would be a nice daddy/daughter treat.  She got a vanilla/chocolate twist on a cone, but in a cup, with gummy bears.  What is wrong with kids these days? Gummy bears and ice cream?

I then told her we were headed to the Pretzel Factory and that she was getting the FREE PRETZEL today for being brave and getting her ears pierced.

Tibby with her doughy, salted treat. 
We headed home where I then would be taking the boys to soccer and she would be off to get her ears pierced and have a fun afternoon with mommy.  When I arrived at soccer practice, I received the text message that included the new look Tibby.

Katie told me she was very brave, despite Sweet and Sassy apparently being a den of pink disgustingness.  She had both ears done at the same time.  Not a peep.  This is the girl who had a 2 inch gash in her head and didn't flinch while she received 5 stitches.  I guess it pays to have brothers sometimes. 

The boys had one of their best practices ever and as a reward, we rode our bikes to Cabana for ice cream and water ice. 

To complete the night Katie and I got a sitter and walked up to our new favorite restaurant, Sabrina's.  Let me just end by saying that Sabrina's is known for the breakfast and brunch, but the rest of their menu is a hidden gem.  I highly recommend this place if you are not looking for Italian and you want a nice night out without the kids and the noise of the Pop Shop.  The chicken and waffles with a spicy sweet syrup is killer.  Take a look.

Amazing right? Bring your own beverage and head over to Sabrina's one of these nights.  You can thank me later. 

Until tomorrow...

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