Wednesday, May 2, 2018

May 1, 2018- Teach me how to Read!!!

May 1, 2018- Year 7 Day 1

FREE PRETZEL #1's back for lucky year #7!  Yaaaayyyy!(trailing off in a slightly sarcastic tone)
This year you can expect surprises, laughter, crying and maybe even be scared out of your shoes!  Of course I am kidding, but for the first time ever, I actually planned out most of the entire month.  Crazy right?  Definitely crazy for me.  I never really plan anything.

Anyway, it is fitting that May Day was maybe the most spectacular of the spring so far.  I went out at lunch, because I was running late this morning, and I returned from lunch with a FREE PRETZEL to present to an unsuspecting recipient. 

AJ was very excited to get a FREE PRETZEL as her afternoon snack
AJ Kon came to Johnson two years ago from Kilmer after volunteering to transfer.  AJ has taught 14 years in the district, the last two here at Johnson and the first 12 at Kilmer.  She has taught 1st grade for all of those years.  She is a Cherry Hill native, attending Cooper, Beck and East.  It was then off University of Pittsburgh for her education degree, down to South Florida for her masters and then back to TCNJ for her reading specialist degree.  Whew!  I'm tired from typing that

I am not sure if this would be an exact description, but she is a salt of the earth kind of person, who seems to roll with the days waves.  She is definitely no nonsense when it comes to her students and to her own children, which is why I instantly found her likable.

I was thinking of the best way to describe who she was to people who do not know here and this is what I decided on: She walks fast, carries a giant coffee cup and is always smiling, but she doesn't take any crap from anyone. 

I'm sure she will correct me if she doesn't agree, but like a lot of Johnson Teachers, she's kind of a badass.

AJ was giddy with excitement that she was getting a FREE PRETZEL and I was able to present it to her in front of her 1st grade class as they were sharing things about themselves that made them unique.  I thought it only appropriate in this blog to shed some light on why AJ is unique.  I hope I did a good enough job.

I love birthdays and even though AJ is not a May birthday. She did celebrate her 40th birthday on April 29th.  I’ll be joining this club in a few weeks as well, so I wanted to be sure her special day was also recognized.  She has been celebrating since last fall. That’s my kind of partying.

Until tomorrow...

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