Friday, May 11, 2018

May 8th- Super Long Term Sub

May 8, 2018- Day 8 Year 7-

When you graduated college early, did you take on a full time teaching job for the final 4 months of a school year?  Well today's recipient did.  Rebecca Forrest has been a long term 5th grade substitute  since early March here at Johnson school.  
A treat that lasted all day
Rebecca is everything a go getting young teacher should be.  Follows the rules, doesn't want to make any waves and is very serious all the time.  All kidding aside, she has been doing an amazing job with the little time she has had to prepare and get things going.  She is an extremely hard worker and in a very short span has taken over the classroom and made it her own.  She has also been very easy to work with and also a good sounding board to bounce ideas off of. 

Rebecca is a Jersey girl, from Marlton, who attended Cherokee and is actually graduating from Rider this Friday.  She is engaged to a young man who is originally from Louisiana.  They are planning on a fall 2019 wedding and she is unsure if they will be settling down here in Jersey or down in Louisiana both now or in the future.  
All done.  Congrats!!!! that too cute or what?
Rebecca was a lucky recipient to get a very warm very fresh early morning FREE PRETZEL and was very grateful to be able to eat a little bit at at time throughout the day.  Hopefully it will be a small positive memory from her first official/yet unofficial teaching job

It has been a pleasure working with her these months and I wish her nothing but the best as a teacher a wife and beyond. 

Until tomorrow...

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