Wednesday, May 9, 2018

May 4- A May birthday!

May 4, 2018- Day 4 Year 7-
Sue Murphy has been an ed assistant in the Cherry Hill school district for the past 14 years.  She has been at Johnson for the last 10.  She was once an elementary school teacher before she had her children and was one of the teachers responsible for starting the elementary classes of the Chesterbrook Academies that you see in the area. 

Sue was happy to get a warm FREE PRETZEL
Sue has three children, a son and two daughters.  After her daughters were born she stayed home for a few years before getting back in the classroom as and ed assistant.  Johnson is lucky to have someone with great elementary knowledge and I was thrilled to have her as the assistant in the room for indoor recess this year.  I am not sure how she felt about it.  Just kidding.  

She spends her time at recess and lunch with the 5th graders and if you spent a week in her shoes you would know she should probably get a carton of pretzels for her service.  She spends her indoor recess time with my class specifically and we had A LOT of indoor recess this year.  

Other than giving her a FREE PRETZEL for being awesome and having to be with my students all year, today was her birthday.  You know how I love birthdays and specifically May birthdyas, so this was a no brainer.  It also happened to be kind of a milestone birthday, but I'm not telling which milestone.  

Thanks Sue

Until tomorrow... 

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