Monday, June 26, 2017

May 29: Memorial Day

May 29, 2017 Year 6 Day 29

Our Memorial was pretty tame.  We chilled and relaxed, cleaned and just enjoyed not having to do anything.  The boys and Tabitha played and one of their friends, Craig, came over and they all rode their scooters and played the day away.  The kids all enjoyed their FREE PRETZELS.  Days like this are pretty great.

The boys and Craig having a snack.

Until tomorrow...

May 28: Hardwork pays off

May 28, 2017 Year 6 Day 28
Before we get to our celebrated recipient, I wanted to make sure I showed off some pictures from yesterday's Mayfair in Collingswood.  After a morning round of golf, Katie, the kids and I partook in some of the festivities on Haddon Ave.

The boys tried funnel cake, potato fries and Puerto Rican soda

Tibby and Declan wanted to check out the car display

Road Runner

Of course we got a picture with Phil E.
Fun was had by all and Tabitha and Declan were treated to a surprise when Daddy sprung for some old time soda...root beer.  Lucky ducks.

The real recipient today just needed the recognition that she deserves.  Before we purchased our house, it was given a complete makeover.  Lucky us.  The second floor rooms all had carpeting and although comfortable under my feet, Katie still likes the idea of hardwood floors in all the rooms.  Being a Do it yourself Youtube expert, she wanted to see if she could install hardwood floors by herself.  My job...keep the kids out of her hair.  I'm pretty good at that job.

Katie's "Bob Villa" set up on the front porch.
She did a phenomenal job on our master bedroom, so today she tackled the guest room.  I did help a little with some of the furniture and again later on bringing the floor upstairs, but she handled everything else as I kept the kids out of her hair and got her a FREE PRETZEL.  She really is amazing and driven.  She puts her mind to something and gets it done in awesome fashion.  The kids and I are lucky to have her.

The finished product.
Thanks Katie.  Thanks for being awesome every day.
Inside, outside, upside down.
Until tomorrow...

Thursday, June 22, 2017

May 27th: Is there a doctor in the house?

May 27, 2017 Year 6 Day 27

Today was another recipient submission.  Rina Cardenas was a FREE PRETZEL recipient back on May 20th of the first year in 2012.  Rina works as a speech therapist at Cranberry Pines and had special someone that she wanted to get a FREE PRETZEL as well.

 A perfect couple for a perfect FREE PRETZEL
Rina's husband Luis seemed to me like a perfect choice.  Even before he served me 4 different types of wings in his new air fryer, of course he should get as FREE PRETZEL.  Here is what Rina wrote about him:

May 26th: Another nonagenarian? 95 years in the making

May 26th, 2017 Year 6 Day 26

Today was another planned day that had its hiccups.  Today was one of those days that took some careful planning, but was for a special person that I could not wait to get to.  My Aunt Joey Seville is my great aunt. She was my Mom-Mom's younger sister.  She is what I think of when I think of summer and 4th of July. That's because 4th of July in the Casale house means the annual Wenonah 4th of July parade in Wenonah, NJ and it's where I have had so many childhood and adult memories of celebrating our nation's birthday.

Pretzel Selfie with Aunt Joey
My Aunt Joey could always be seen in her chair watching as the parade goes by, making sure that everyone had what they needed.  Did they have enough food?
"Eat, eat. We have plenty of food," she would say.
She would be in the kitchen cooking or cutting up rolls, or even in the backyard cooking at the grill.  She was still doing this within the last 5 years, definitely even after the age of 90, not to mention all the previous years before.

This house has been in the Morris/Seville family for over 75 years
The house, sitting right on Mantua Boulevard, directly on the parade route, has been in our family for very long time.  My mom grew up in this house and then in 1959 it was passed on to my Aunt Joey and Uncle George. I have only ever known it as their house, but it is cool to hear the stories my mom tells about her and her sisters living there. This was the house where I threw water balloons at my cousin on the 4th of July and where Aunt Joey would turn on the sprinkler in the backyard for us to run through.  Then we would have to decide when we were going up to the races at the park, or when we would ride the fire truck.  On the side of the house is where we would beg our parents to let us stay and go down to Wenonah lake and hang out for the afternoon.  There are so many memories, that I would be here forever trying to recount them all.

The side of this house will always remind me of the water balloon fights that we had.
On this crazy Friday or Memorial Day, my mom had contacted Aunt Joey to make sure they would be there. Joey figured it would just be a quick visit and had no idea I would be coming.  Her daughter Libby, who has been following the blog, was there and knew I would be coming as well.  After explaining to Joey why I was there, she said she loved pretzels, but that she had a little bit of indigestion and that she would have to eat it later.  It was awesome spending about an hour with her just chatting.  4th of July is usually a pretty hectic time and I can count on both hands the number of times that I have been to her house when it hasn't been July 4th, so it was nice to just relax and enjoy the time.

Getting there was another story.  I was coming straight from work and my google maps showed me that 295 was jam packed so I thought that I could beat it by trying the back roads.  I was wrong, always trust computers.  I tried circumventing 295 and I inch-wormed my way through Lawnside, Barrington and Bellmawr before finally getting to 42 and then 55.  All this time my Aunt Joey was apparently worried sick about my mom and dad braving the horrible traffic to come visit.  She apparently had been following along on the news and saw all of the backups and congestion that was prohibiting us from getting to our destination smoothly.  She shared this info with us when we got there.  She was genuinely worried for us and our safety.  Luckily we made it in one piece.  

For those of you that do not know about the Wenonah Parade on July 4th, it is a pretty intense parade, going down Mantua Boulevard and then coming back up.  When I was a kid, my brother and I rode our bikes two straight years.  It was pretty cool and that tradition still occurs today.  The parade features many of the same marching bands and floats over the years.  Although it seems like we push repeat on the day every year, its great to see the same things happen over and over again.  I'm a sucker for tradition. Maybe it's why I can't stop doing this blog.

This 4th of July may be a little different since both my sisters will be having babies right around this time and we are still unsure as to who will be able to make it.  The kids and I will be there, even if just for a little while, because hey, its tradition.  Thanks Aunt Joey for keeping this tradition alive and for always making me think of Wenonah, your house, you and our family on 4th of July.  I'll see you then

Until tomorrow...

Monday, May 29, 2017

May 25th: Another loyal blog reader

May 25, 2017 Year 6 Day 25

I got deputized again today and the choice was obvious.  I made it out of the house, got the pretzel, and made my way to work.  I headed to the 3rd grade hallway to find my person.  I got a little sidetracked looking for her and then I caught her...right by the copier.
Here she is with her lovely smile!
Happy Dorothy with her FREE PRETZEL
Dorothy Thornton teaches 3rd grade at my school.  We have worked together since 2004 and I am very grateful to call her my friend.  She is one of the most genuinely kind people I know.  She is a wonderful teacher, a fellow twin mom (2 boys plus 1 as well!) and she is an all around great person.  Dorothy is so easy to be around.  She is just one of those people who does not judge, listens completely, and will let you vent if you need to.  She is so lovely and so is her family.  I have been lucky to be at birthday parties for her kids and it is just one big room full of love.  Looking at the picture of her I hope you can tell that there is a lucky class of 3rd graders who get to have her as their teacher!  I hope you enjoyed your pretzel!

Thanks Katie.  Great choice.  Dorothy is a loyal blog reader who consistently likes my posts on Facebook, so it is always nice to treat someone who supports what we are doing here at The Daily Twist.  I also love reading all of her posts about her boys and family.  This is one treat I hope she didn't share. 

Until tomorrow...

May 24th: MY BIRTHDAY!!!!

May 24, 2017 Year 6 Day 24

Well its my birthday...again.  Today was pretty much planned out and I guess I had to go to work right?  The plan was to join my parents and sister Mary for dinner at Iron Hill Brewery in Maple Shade for a birthday dinner, but also supporting my mom's Questers group.  A win, win scenario.  Well as luck would have it, Jim Grugan, brother of my college friend Kevin Grugan, posted on Facebook that he had obtained a crapload of FREE PHILLIES TICKETS for tonight's game. As luck would have it, I asked him if he had 5.  He said yes and therefore became an instant FREE PRETZEL recipient.

Jim was very excited to get his FREE PRETZEL
I provided Jim and his family of 6, each with a pretzel to enjoy at the game.  His wife Sarah and kids Jimmy, Abby, Josie and Danny all looked to be having a great time munching on the pretzels when we arrived.  Jim and his family just recently moved to Cinnaminson.  He is now an New Jerseyan for the first time in his life. Welcome to the club.  It is usually a nice place.

Casale clan on the way to Citizens Bank Park
Josie and her brother enjoying their pretzels

Family selfie just outside the stadium

Jim has been very generous to my family.  In fact the last time he had tickets like this to give away, we also took him up on his offer and it was the boys first Phillies game.  Jim teaches fifth grade at Hopkinson Elementary School and in the summer he works at Camp Mayfair.  The camp is who Jim got the tickets from and as a birthday treat to me.  Jim is also a somewhat recent Notre Dame convert.  Although his brother is a double domer, Jim was never a big fan, until he attended a football game a few years back.  It happens to just about everyone.  He fell in love and has been a fan ever since.  He has also found out how frustrating that can be.  But of course we welcome all to the club no matter what.  Better late than never to join us, right Jim?  Thanks for the tickets and the nice evening and welcome to New Jersey.

Tabitha received a certificate for her first game. 
The game itself was kind of a snore as the Rockies exploded in the 4th inning for 7 runs and actually were no hitting the Phillies until the 5th.  The Casale Clan toured the stadium including the Phanatic fun zone and getting a "First Game Certificate" for her attendance.  We watched until the Phillies finally got a hit and then it was time to go.  We would miss a 2 run homer in the 8th by the Phillies, but we still had fun anyway.   Thanks Jim. 
This year's birthday haul!
It was still my birthday and a day to celebrate.  It was a nice day and a pretty enjoyable time all around.  The burger at dinner was especially good and I even got a nice ice cream surprise at the end.   Thank you Katie for making it a special day again.  It's always great when you can make your birthday special.  It should be, because it is your day.  

Until tomorrow...

May 23rd- Anyone need golf lessons?

May 23, 2017 Year 6 Day 23

Today was one of those days that I never knew if it was going to work out for me and the FREE PRETZEL recipient.  I have been doing this long enough to know that sometimes it just doesn't work out.  But I persevered in ninja-like stealth and I was able to surprise today's nominee...I think.  He had a few hints during the day.

Camden County Golf Academy (aka driving range on the water)
When I first met Andrew Pierson he was a wide-eyed sophomore dedicated to being a consistent starter on the Paul VI golf team.  Andrew played 3 years for me before graduating in 2008.  He averaged 43 for nine holes his senior year and led the team to a 10-8 record, my first over .500 as coach.  He also earned Olympic Conference National Division First Team.  He took this award and began his college golf career at Rutgers-Camden.  He started the rise of that program that has now won multiple division titles since he was a player and after he graduated has served as an assistant coach for the program for the past 5 years.

He is currently the pro at the Camden County Golf Academy in Pennsauken and has been working there for the past 8 years.  When I met him there today, he was wearing wading boots and had been using a boat to collect the driving range golf balls.  He mentioned that there was no wind and therefore the golf balls did not float back towards the range and therefore was a lot more work for him and his staff.  He seemed pleased to receive the FREE PRETZEL after I described to him why I was there.  At least it was a small break from collecting balls.

A nice break from work
Andrew was always one of my hardest working golfers I have ever had and he continues that hard work every day. He has been doing a pretty awesome job transforming the once run down facility into a usually crowded driving range and teaching facility.  It has a nice short game area and if you can look past the gaggles of geese that often gather nearby, it really is a nice place to practice and very reasonable priced.

Last summer, I started up a Paul VI golf camp for one week and the Golf Academy allowed me to use their facilities along with joining forces with Andrew.  His work with youngsters is unmatched as he has already been running camps from the facility for years.  After a slow sign up period, we were able to get 13-15 kids out and I considered it a success.  We are hoping to have even more kids this year for year two.  The camp will run from Monday July 17 to Thursday July 20th from 9 am-12 pm.

Here is sign up information:

Andrew was also recently recognized by the Camden County Board of Freeholders for starting this:

Taking a snippet from the article, here is what Andrew started:
"The Camden County Recovery Encouragement Athletic Leagues (REAL) is offering a series of free golf lessons Tuesday nights beginning at 7:00 p.m. through May 9. No experience? No clubs? No problem.
The golf lessons are being given by a certified golf professional and are sponsored by the Camden County Freeholder Board’s Addiction Awareness Task Force. Camden County Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli said: “Golf is a great sport to learn to challenge your body and mind while in recovery. We know that no one is immune to the addiction of opiates and we must focus on prevention and treatment.”
Pretty awesome work Andrew.  I am extremely proud of Andrew and his accomplishments and it is nice to see so much good being done from a former player.  Congrats on all your have accomplished so far and good luck in the future, Andrew!
Until tomorrow...

Thursday, May 25, 2017

May 22nd- The FREE PRETZEL rains down beautiful music

May 21, 2017 Year 6 Day 22

May 22nd, 2017 will be known as the day the rains came.  Today was a day that is supposedly kicking off four straight days of possible clouds and rain.  Not too much fun, except that when you have to perform a concert in a sweltering elementary school gym, the cool and rain provide a little bit of relief from a possible hot spring day.

Alexis Henderson and Bill Russell (no not that Bill Russell) are the choral music directors and music teachers here at Johnson.  Alexis has been teaching in the district for at least as long as I have and maybe longer.  She has been at Johnson two of my three years.  She is awesome with the kids and really shows how much she enjoys working with them, getting them up and moving around and getting into the songs.  Alexis and her family of 5 recently moved into a new house and although moving is always a chore, she was so happy with new move and has been downright giddy getting everything set up in the new place and really calling it home.

The gang keeping Jake fed

Jake Weber basically just bummed a pretzel off me today because I had an extra.  It didn't matter that he too is a May birthday, that he is an awesome band and orchestra teacher, or that he is a huge Star Wars fan.  Nah.  Sometimes people just get another FREE PRETZEL.  Jake was a recipient last year as well. He continues to lead the Johnson instrumentalists with class and grace.

The chorus directors at work
Bill Russell is the epitome' of a exemplary teacher.  He has only been the district for 3 years, but his rapport with the students and staff is second to none.  He is young and energetic and passionate and I don't know how he does it all day, but the kids love it.  Like Alexis, you can really tell how much Bill loves what he is doing and cares about the kids.  He likes seeing them smile and getting them to learn about music, even though they probably think they are just having fun. 

These three amazing teachers put on a great show during the morning in-school concert and although I was not in attendance I heard the that evening concert was great as well.  Congrats on a job well done too all of you. I do not know what Johnson would do without you.  These three bust their butts and they should be commended often.  You guys are pretty awesome. I hope you liked your pretzels. 

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 21- A day for getting stuff done

May 21, 2017 Year 6 Day 21

With so much to do today, I forgot to get a picture of FREE PRETZEL #22.  I would like to tell you that I got the pretzel on the way to the boys soccer game vs Winslow.  In the morning, Katie and I and the kids enjoyed our time cleaning our house.  I reorganized my drawers, putting away winter clothes into storage and bringing out my summer clothes.  Katie and the kids cleaned a good amount of the house, as well as the front porch and I mowed the entire lawn.  We broke for a hearty lunch and then took a quick nap before heading on the road to Winslow.

The family decided to share the pretzels as reward for our hard work.

The boys then went on to score a goal each and then Patrick did a nice job volunteering for and then playing goalie in the second half and we held on for a 5-2 victory to remain undefeated.  The boys have one more game, a makeup game vs Runnemede, in two weeks as the finale of the spring season. The whole team has done a really nice job this season and I am already looking forward to the fall.

Until tomorrow...

May 20th- The FREE PRETZEL celebrates babies!

May 20, 2017 Year 6 Day 20

Today it finally cooled down, and unfortunately the rains came in the morning on the front nine of my golf round.  I trudged through and ended up having a better back nine, but I was glad it was cooler than the last few days.  

Today's recipients was the brainchild of my sister Lauren.  My sisters, Lauren and Mary, are both due with their first child, this July.  Their duel shower was being held at my parents house this afternoon.  There were three other lovely pregnant ladies that would be in attendance and she thought, and I agreed that they should all get the FREE PRETZEL.  

Pregnant ladies with pretzels!
From left to right in the picture is Kristen Hipolit, my cousin James' wife.  She is due with the couple's first child on August 19th.  Next to her is Patty, my sister Lauren's friend.  Lauren got into the crossfit scene a little over 3 years back and while she was bouncing around from gym to gym she met Patty.  They remained friends and she even joined Patty's kickball team last spring.  Patty is due on September 3rd.  Lauren is in the middle.  Lauren is the youngest of the Casale clan and she is due July 4th.  Maybe a patriotic baby. Mary is next to Lauren and she is also due with her first child a mere 10 days after Lauren on July 14th.  Wouldn't it be crazy if they had them on the same day?  

On the far right is the most pregnant of all the ladies and definitely enjoyed the pretzel most, at least I think she did.  Megan Noll Eissler, as I like to refer to her facebook name, is Lauren's friend going on about 7 years.  Lauren met Megan while working at Nordstroms and they have remained best friends ever since. They even worked at Covered Bridge Capital together after the Nordstroms gig. She also got into the crossfit game with Lauren and is also friends with Patty.  Megan is also a loyal blog reader, so it was nice to present her with a FREE PRETZEL today.  I like to look out for my followers. I'm slightly excited because Megan is due on May 25th and I'm hoping maybe the baby comes a day early so I have another human to share my special day with.  Maybe?

All the ladies seemed excited to get their treat and I hope a nice day was had by all despite the yucky and cooler weather.

Patrick would rather read a book
After I finished my round, I went to the house to pick up the boys so we could then turn right around and go back to the golf course for another 9 holes.  The boys, seem to be enjoying it.  They will again compete in the Drive, Chip and Putt contest this June 3rd at Hidden Creek Country Club.  Patrick plays the first 4 holes and then says, "This is where I stop, right daddy? " He went right to his book and then eventually exploring the pond on the 5th hole. Declan paused for a bit and then did play holes 6, 7 and 8 with me.  We ended the day with a little practice putting and finally with about 15 uninterrupted minutes to explore the pond again.  It is fun to watch them explore.

Declan lining up his 7 iron shot
Until tomorrow...

May 19th- Just a chill day

May 19, 2017 Year 6 Day 19

Today Katie joined the boys on their field trip to the Adventure Aquarium and Camden Children's Garden. It was her second trip in a row as she also went with Tabitha to the zoo yesterday.  She surely is a trooper.  She actually enjoyed this trip with a lot of the dads from the class.  She said all the kids were great and despite it being another steamy day, she said that everyone had fun and that the boys did an excellent job.  Since I really had not planned on a special pretzel recipient, I decided that as a treat for their good behavior the boys could each have a FREE PRETZEL today.

The boys were happy to be part of the blog again
It was a chill evening.  We ordered pizza and cheesesteaks and the kids watched a Scooby Doo movie before bed.  Sometimes the most chill evenings are best. 

Until tomorrow...

May 18th- The Pretzel gets Fancy!

Fancy Pretzels
May 18, 2017 Year 6 Day 18

Johnson Elementary School started an Alphabet countdown last year for the final 26 days of school in which the whole school counts down the last 26 days using the alphabet.  We start with 26 days to go and the Letter A and end on the last day of school with the letter Z and "Zoom out of school."  Today happened to be letter F day for "Fancy" so I decided to get everyone of my students a pretzel and then I asked them to dress it up.  The students were asked to dress up the real pretzel they were given or to trace it and draw a dressed up pretzel.  There are two pictures out of four within the blog today.  For some reason I ran into trouble downloading the other two and since I deleted the pictures I was not able to include the others.  It was a shame because there were some really good ones.  The kids had fun with them too.  I liked the one with the yarn hat.
Some "Fancy" examples


More "Fancy" examples

I did also want to recognize an extremely important lady to Johnson School on this day.  Michelle Jiminez is our principal's secretary and the lady that handles a lot of the ins and outs at Johnson.  Today was also her birthday.  There are a lot of events and trips and paperwork that Michelle handles at our school that help the teachers, students and especially Mr. Peltzman.  On days when she is absent it seems like things don't run quite right.  Like I said she is that piece that makes our school run like clockwork.  She was happy to get her FREE PRETZEL for her birthday and I guess, for me, it's a little "thank you" for all the candy that I take out of her dish almost once a day.  Thanks Michelle.

Michelle couldn't wait to take a bite
Students and staff were asked to dress in our fanciest outfits as well.  Unfortunately the weather was in the 90s and therefore called for adjustments to "fancy."  At Katie's suggestion, she thought I could pull off an "Olympian style" with jacket and fun shorts.  I decided to accessorize with owl socks and sandals.  I forgot my hat which would have completed the outfit, but it was fun seeing all the variations on the theme this year.
Working in an elementary school can be quirky, but it can also be a lot of fun if you let yourself enjoy it.
Fancy, Olympian style.  It was 90 degrees.  Too hot for a full suit
Pretzels dressed to the "nines"
Until tomorrow...

Friday, May 19, 2017

Day 15- Kick up your feet and dance...Irish style!

May 15, 2017 Year 6 Day 15

Today was another beautiful, windy day.  I had the privilege of attending Tabitha's Irish dance practice at Camden Catholic high school.  It was already a good trip because she did not whine about me having to take her.  Yay!

On Mondays, for an hour, Tabitha has been taking Irish dance as part of the Coyle School of Irish Dance. The School serves a wide variety of the area including South Jersey, Bridgeport, and Central PA, and Southeastern PA.  The School has been in existence since 1981 and is an award winning Irish Dance School, most recently winning the Walter Garvin Award for Outstanding Children's Irish Dance Group in the Philadelphia St. Patrick's Day parade, both in 2016 and 2015.

Tabitha started dancing with the school last year and has been enjoying herself.  Her teacher for all of these Mondays, Ms. Patsy Wrabley Swope, best describes Tabitha as full of energy.  A butterfly, as Katie and I tend to refer to her.  Tabitha really enjoys her time on Mondays and during the parades, both in Conshohocken and Philadelphia.  Although this years weather was pretty brutal.  

A little snack for her long night ahead. 
Ms. Patsy, teaches classes at Camden Catholic every Monday night from September to June from 4:30-9:30.  Teaching everything from beginners all the way up to Preliminary & Open Championship Dancers. 
She has been Irish dancing herself since she was 5 years old, for over 40 years and comes to us by way of King of Prussia.  Maybe she needs FREE PRETZEL for braving the Schuylkill every week?  She's been teaching since 1994 and says she still enjoys it because the kids are so full of energy. Working all night I thought she might need a snack and a hopefully a soft pretzel hit the spot.

To take on our Tibby is a chore within itself for an hour each week, so to possibly deal with multiple Tibby's or even just the number of children she works with each week is pretty awesome.  I have been pretty impressed when I have attended the parades, practices and last years recital at how amazing all the kids are. We still need to get Tibby to practice a little more, but she has shown improvement and she is only 5 (almost 6). She's got time.

The FREE PRETZEL was just a small token to say "thank you" and to tell Ms. Patsy how much she means to our family.  Its pretty neat to see Tabitha up there dancing when she is focused.  I may be a little bit of a "dance dad" but I am proud of it and know that it suits me well.  Right Katie?

Until tomorrow...

May 17th- A day off from get a FREE PRETZEL!

May 17, 2017 Year 6 Day 17

Today was another perfect day to recognize a person who was nominated by a previous recipient.  Molly Horn has been one of two young college students who watch our little ones in the morning and then walk them to school.  She is also a sometime babysiter for us and a very busy college student at Rowan.  When we decided to ask people for submissions, she had a perfect one and so today was that day.  
Here is what she wrote:

Michael is so giving he wanted me in his picture too!

Our family has known the Irwins for a only a few years now, but everything that Molly says about Michael is very true.  He just gives of himself and that's awesome.  Michael grew up in Pennsauken and as we were talking we discovered that he knows a lot of the same golf coaches in the Olympic Conference that also went to Pennsauken.  Small world.  Michael happened to have the day off today from his job as a supervisor at Cooper Hospital, so it all worked out perfectly.  

It's always great to share this blog and the FREE PRETZEL with friends and just good people.  Michael even got to enjoy his pretzel on his trip to Target.  I hope it was good.  Thanks again Molly.

Until tomorrow...

Day 16- Katie's partner in crime

May 16, 2017 Year 6 Day 16

Today was a perfect day to give the FREE PRETZEL to a very loyal blog reader.  I do not want to waste time talking about the recipient because Katie will do it for me.  And...

Megan's two daughters are the cutest and I should have included some pictures of them, but then the attention would be on them instead of Megan.  Her reaction makes me happy.  I was glad to do this today and this one happened to be my idea, which does not happen that often.  Thanks Katie

Until tomorrow...

Day 14- Mother's Day

May 14, 2017 Year 6 Day 14

Mother's Day.  A day to recognize all mothers. A day to say, thanks for all your do to mom's all over the world. Here at the Daily Twist it is even more important because my wife and the mother of my children is the reason this blog exists.  Most of the ideas for random days have come from her and I cannot thank her enough, just for that. There is so much more that I constantly praise Katir for and have done in previous blog posts, that I would again fill another blog and instead you can go back and read the previous editions.

It was a gorgeous day in the neighborhood, so while Katie hit the gym, Elizabeth and I took our 5 children and headed off to McMillan's Bakery, apparently with the rest of South Jersey. We waited patiently outside with our number before a good samaritan gave us an even better number.  The kids enjoyed the nice weather and the walk, while riding their scooters.  Fun was had by all, but Elizabeth and I wonder how many people thought we were a family of seven, just by some of the looks we got.
Never a bad idea when pastries are involved. 
At 1 pm the kids and I headed to Audubon to play a U9 soccer game.  I was coaching solo today as Dan was away for the weekend.  Katie again suggested giving the FREE PRETZEL to their coach.  The best part was their coach was a woman and since it was Mother's Day it worked out perfectly.  SueAnn Fayer is the coach of the Audubon U9 soccer team as well as a teacher at Gateway Regional High School.  She has boy/girl twins that are the same age as the boys and her son plays on the team.  Sue was very gracious to receive, after my lengthy explanation.  SueAnn was working hard, having to line the field and get the goals set up before today's game, She also told me that she had not eaten lunch or breakfast before the game so that this was perfect.  I bought a few other pretzels for her assistants to enjoy after the game too. It was pretty cool to give to a fellow teacher, coach and in this case a stranger.  

The FREE PRETZEL replaced her breakfast and lunch
The game was pretty awesome.  They had a very large field, which our team was not used to and it took a lot out of our kids, being that it was a little warm, but we pressed on.  Three different shots of ours hit the post or the cross bar.  I was beginning to think luck was not on our side. After being down 1-0 at half, we started the second half off in a deeper hole after they scored again making it 2-0.  With about 13 minutes left in the game a hand ball in the box by their defense forced a penalty kick, which Declan scored into the top right corner and the energy was back in our boys.  We continued to keep the ball down their end and with less than 3 minutes left a throw in to one of our defensive players resulted in a nice cross and redirection into the back of the net to tie the score at 2-2, where it ended.  Hard fought by both teams an a pretty tough game all around.  

The team and their moms!
At the suggestion of Katie, I picked up some roses at Produce Junction earlier in the day for the boys to give to their moms.  Unbeknownst to us, another mom, who was providing the snack today, did the same thing.
So after the game the boys ran across the field to present their mom with a red and pink rose.  It was cute to see and a nice ending to the day that I bet the moms found very cool. 

Later that evening we headed over to my sister Mary's house, where her and her husband Kenny provided a dinner for our immediate family.  Despite more rain, much fun was had by all and I was able to give my mom a hanging plant and a card she found quite humorous.  It was a good day. 

Happy Mother's Day to all moms.  I hope you enjoyed your day

Until tomorrow...