Friday, May 19, 2017

Day 15- Kick up your feet and dance...Irish style!

May 15, 2017 Year 6 Day 15

Today was another beautiful, windy day.  I had the privilege of attending Tabitha's Irish dance practice at Camden Catholic high school.  It was already a good trip because she did not whine about me having to take her.  Yay!

On Mondays, for an hour, Tabitha has been taking Irish dance as part of the Coyle School of Irish Dance. The School serves a wide variety of the area including South Jersey, Bridgeport, and Central PA, and Southeastern PA.  The School has been in existence since 1981 and is an award winning Irish Dance School, most recently winning the Walter Garvin Award for Outstanding Children's Irish Dance Group in the Philadelphia St. Patrick's Day parade, both in 2016 and 2015.

Tabitha started dancing with the school last year and has been enjoying herself.  Her teacher for all of these Mondays, Ms. Patsy Wrabley Swope, best describes Tabitha as full of energy.  A butterfly, as Katie and I tend to refer to her.  Tabitha really enjoys her time on Mondays and during the parades, both in Conshohocken and Philadelphia.  Although this years weather was pretty brutal.  

A little snack for her long night ahead. 
Ms. Patsy, teaches classes at Camden Catholic every Monday night from September to June from 4:30-9:30.  Teaching everything from beginners all the way up to Preliminary & Open Championship Dancers. 
She has been Irish dancing herself since she was 5 years old, for over 40 years and comes to us by way of King of Prussia.  Maybe she needs FREE PRETZEL for braving the Schuylkill every week?  She's been teaching since 1994 and says she still enjoys it because the kids are so full of energy. Working all night I thought she might need a snack and a hopefully a soft pretzel hit the spot.

To take on our Tibby is a chore within itself for an hour each week, so to possibly deal with multiple Tibby's or even just the number of children she works with each week is pretty awesome.  I have been pretty impressed when I have attended the parades, practices and last years recital at how amazing all the kids are. We still need to get Tibby to practice a little more, but she has shown improvement and she is only 5 (almost 6). She's got time.

The FREE PRETZEL was just a small token to say "thank you" and to tell Ms. Patsy how much she means to our family.  Its pretty neat to see Tabitha up there dancing when she is focused.  I may be a little bit of a "dance dad" but I am proud of it and know that it suits me well.  Right Katie?

Until tomorrow...

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